P File Extensions

Browse file types with extensions beginning with P.

Extension File Type Popularity
.PPascal Source Code
.PLightWave Plug-in
.P01GEAR CD/DVD Disc Image
.P10Certificate Request File
.P12Personal Information Exchange File
.P21Express STEP Data Model File
.P2GPower2Go Project File
.P2IPower2Go Disc Image
.P2MPhotoWorks Appearance File
.P2PFolderShare Placeholder File
.P2ZCompressed Poser Pose File
.P3Primavera P3 Project File
.P3DPeak3D 3D Graphics File
.P3DPanda3D Multifile
.P3LAdobe Photoshop Light Preset File
.P3TPlayStation 3 Theme File
.P5DPlanner 5D Project
.P6464-bit Windows IDA Plugin Module
.P65PageMaker 6.5 Document
.P7BPKCS #7 Certificate File
.P7CPKCS #7 Certificate File
.P7MS/MIME Email Message
.P7RCertificate Request Response File
.P7SDigitally Signed Email Message
.P7XPacked Digital Signature File
.P96Win96 Database
.PAPrint Artist Project
.PAPowerArchiver Compressed File
.PABPersonal Address Book
.PACProxy Auto-Config File
.PACPAC Subtitles File
.PACKAGEElectronic Arts Game Package File
.PACKAGELinux Autopackage File
.PADACT! Database Pointer File
.PAEPowerArchiver Encrypted Archive
.PAFPersonal Ancestral File
.PAF.EXEPortableApps.com Program File
.PAGESApple Pages Document
.PAGES-TEFPages iCloud Document
.PAKVideo Game Package
.PAKPAK Compressed Archive
.PANPanorama Database File
.PANDOPando File
.PANDORAPandora Android App Executable
.PANOCamera Panoramic Picture
.PAPAGame Save Backup File
.PAQHewlett-Packard Software Restore File
.PAQ6PAQ6 Compressed Archive
.PAQ7PAQ7 Compressed Archive
.PARParchive Index File
.PAR2Parchive 2 File
.PARTPartially Downloaded File
.PARTIALInternet Explorer Partially Downloaded File
.PARTIMGPartimage File
.PASPascal Source File
.PASDelphi Unit Source File
.PASSWORDWALLET4PasswordWallet 4 Data File
.PATAutoCAD Hatch Pattern File
.PATPattern File
.PATCorelDRAW Pattern File
.PATDiskStation Manager Installation File
.PATCHPatch File
.PAWPaw Document
.PAWPawaa File
.PBPureBasic Source File
.PBDEaseUS Todo Backup File
.PBFPowerBackup Data File
.PBGPixel Bender Graph File
.PBIPC BSD Installer Package
.PBIXPower BI Desktop File
.PBJPixel Bender Bytecode File
.PBJPowerBackup Job File
.PBKPixel Bender Kernel File
.PBKDial-Up Phone Book File
.PBMPortable Bitmap Image
.PBNPortable Bridge Notation File
.PBPPSP Firmware Update File
.PBX5SCRIPTPersonal Backup Script
.PBXBTREEXcode Auto-Complete File
.PBXPROJXcode Project Data File
.PBXUSERXcode Project User Data File
.PCPersonal Composer File
.PC3AutoCAD Plotter Configuration File
.PC6PowerCADD 6 Drawing File
.PC7PowerCADD 7 Drawing File
.PCAPerfect Clarity Audio File
.PCAPPacket Capture Data
.PCAPNGPcap-NG Packet Capture File
.PCASTiTunes Podcast File
.PCBPrinted Circuit Board Design File
.PCCMass Effect Package
.PCDKodak Photo CD Image
.PCDPure Component Data File
.PCGKorg Instrument Bank File
.PCHPrecompiled Header File
.PCKSystem Center Configuration Manager Package File
.PCKPerfect World Data File
.PCLPrinter Command Language Document
.PCPWindows Installer Patch Creation Properties File
.PCRPCMark Vantage Benchmark File
.PCSAVMass Effect 2 Saved Game
.PCTPicture File
.PCTLKaspersky Parental Control Settings File
.PCXPaintbrush Bitmap Image File
.PDFlexiSIGN 5 Plotter Document
.PD4Clone Manager Primer File
.PD4Windows Live Photo Gallery Information File
.PD5Windows Live Photo Gallery Information File
.PDADJPhotoDirector Preset File
.PDASPDAStore Data Store File
.PDBProgram Database
.PDBPalm Desktop Database File
.PDBProtein Data Bank File
.PDBTanida Demo Builder File
.PDCSafeguard PDF Security Protected PDF
.PDDAdobe PhotoDeluxe Image
.PDEProcessing Development Environment Source Code File
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.PDFIGPDF Index Generator Project File
.PDIInstantCopy Disc Image
.PDMVB Project Information File
.PDMProntoDoc for Word Mobile Display Document Template
.PDMPowerDesigner Database File
.PDNpaint.net Image
.PDOPepakura Designer File
.PDPPalo Alto Software Plan Component File
.PDPCOMPPdplayer Composition File
.PDRWindows Port Driver
.PDSPowerDirector Script File
.PDSPlanetary Data System File
.PDXAdobe Acrobat Index File
.PDXProduct Data eXchange File
.PE4Photo Explorer Thumbnail Archive
.PE4PhotoImpact Thumbnail Cache
.PEAPEA File Archive
.PEAKSteinberg Peak File
.PEFPentax Electronic File
.PEKAdobe Peak Waveform File
.PEMPrivacy Enhanced Mail Certificate
.PENLogitech io2 Drawing
.PEPTurboProject Project File
.PESBrother PE Embroidery Format
.PETPuppy Linux Install Package
.PEXMerak Peep Data File
.PEXProBoard Executable File
.PEZPrezi Desktop Presentation
.PFPrivate File
.PFAPrinter Font ASCII File
.PFBPrinter Font Binary File
.PFCAOL Personal Filing Cabinet
.PFILERights Management Protected File
.PFLPDFill Project
.PFMPrinter Font Metrics File
.PFOPrivate Folder
.PFRPortable Font Resource File
.PFXPKCS #12 Certificate File
.PGDPGP Disk Image
.PGFProgressive Graphics File
.PGIVideo Recording File
.PGMPortable Gray Map Image
.PGNPortable Game Notation File
.PGPPGP Security Key
.PGPAutoCAD Program Parameters File
.PGSPageStream Document
.PHPerl Header File
.PHARPHP Archive
.PHBMotorola Phone Book File
.PHDPhotoDirector Project File
.PHJPhCNC Project File
.PHLKindle Popular Highlights File
.PHMPro Home Manager Data File
.PHNAlgodoo Phun Phunlet
.PHOGerber Photoplot File
.PHOTOLIBRARYiPhoto Photo Library
.PHOTOSHOWRoxio PhotoShow Project
.PHPPHP Source Code File
.PHY3ds Max Physique File
.PI2Portrait Innovations Photo
.PICGeneric Picture File
.PICHoudini Raster Image
.PICNCHoudini 3D Compositing Image
.PICTPicture File
.PICTCLIPPINGPicture Clipping File
.PIEGlovePIE Controller Script
.PIKAPika Software Builder Project File
.PIMPro Tools Controller Plug-in Mappings File
.PIOPro Tools I/O Settings File
.PIPOffice Personalized Settings File
.PIPDPIPE-FLO Demo Project File
.PIPEPIPE-FLO Project File
.PISKELPiskel Sprite
.PIVPivot Animator Animation
.PIXPCI Geomatics Database File
.PIXADEXPixadex Icon
.PIXIMODPixiTracker Module
.PIZZipped File
.PJ2xPlan Document
.PJMxPlan Model
.PJSTestComplete Project Suite File
.PJTDidger Project File
.PJXFoxPro Project
.PK2Silkroad Online Game Data File
.PK3Quake 3 Engine Game Data
.PK4Doom 3 Engine Game Data File
.PKAPacket Tracer Activity File
.PKBOracle Package Body File
.PKFAdobe Audition Peak File
.PKGmacOS Installer Package
.PKGPlayStation Store Downloaded Package
.PKGSymbian Package File
.PKG.TAR.XZArch Linux Software Package
.PKGDEFVisual Studio Shell File
.PKGUNDEFVisual Studio Shell File
.PKHOracle Package File
.PKPASSApple Wallet Pass
.PKSOracle Package Spec File
.PKTPacket Tracer Network Simulation Model
.PKXDecrypted 3DS Pokémon Save File
.PLPerl Script
.PLProlog Source Code File
.PLUnix Color Plot File
.PL03D Home Architect Foundation Floor Plan
.PL13D Home Architect Floor Plan
.PL1PL/I Source Code
.PL23D Home Architect Second Level Floor Plan
.PLAiriver iQuickList File
.PLASansa Playlist File
.PLANCalligra Plan Document
.PLANNERGnome Planner File
.PLAYERTerraria Mobile Player File
.PLAYGROUNDXcode Playground File
.PLAYMISSIONMissionPlayer Game File
.PLCPL/B Source File
.PLEMessenger Plus! Live Encrypted Log File
.PLIPL/I Source Code File
.PLISTProperty List
.PLNArchicad Solo Project
.PLNFlight Simulator Flight Plan
.PLPPhoto Locker Picture
.PLPROJAdobe Prelude Project File
.PLRTerraria Player Profile
.PLRrFactor Player File
.PLSMultimedia Playlist File
.PLSMYOB Accounting Data File
.PLSKMessenger Plus! Live Skin Pack
.PLTAutoCAD Plotter Document
.PLTTecplot Binary Data File
.PLTHPGL Plot File
.PLUGINAdobe Photoshop Plug-in
.PLUGINMac OS X Plugin
.PLWPicoLog Data File
.PLW32-bit Windows IDA Plugin Module
.PLXPerl Executable File
.PLX32-bit Linux IDA Plugin Module
.PLX6464-bit Linux IDA Plugin Module
.PLYPolygon Model
.PMPerl Module
.PMATRIXPriority Matrix Project File
.PMCPerformance Monitor Counter File
.PMDPageMaker Document
.PMDPoser Binary Morph File
.PMDXPlanMaker Spreadsheet
.PMFESRI Published Map File
.PMFPlayStation Portable Movie
.PMFPartition Image File
.PMGAdobe Photoshop Photomerge Panoramic Composition File
.PMJPegasus Mail Configuration File
.PMLProcess Monitor Log File
.PMMPegasus Mail Mailbox File
.PMMMikuMikuDance PolygonMovieMaker File
.PMOBroderbund Print Meta Object File
.PMPAutoCAD Plot Model Parameter File
.PMRAvid Persisent Media Record File
.PMTPageMaker Template File
.PMVXPlanMaker Spreadsheet Template
.PMXMikuMikuDance Model File
.PMXPrintMaster Project File
.PNPowernoodle File (Discontinued)
.PNAPhatNoise Audio File
.PNFPrecompiled INF File
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.PNHProject ROME Plug-in Archive
.PNMPortable Any Map Image
.PNPROJProgrammer's Notepad Project File
.PNSPNG Stereo Image
.PNZPanorama Database Set
.POPortable Object
.PODPerl POD File
.PODOpenProj Project File
.PODTerminal Reality Game Data File
.POIMagellan Maestro Point of Interest File
.POLWindows Policy File
.POLICYJava Policy Implementation File
.POPSHAPEPopChar Character Shape File
.PORSPSS Portable File
.POTMicrosoft PowerPoint Template (Legacy)
.POTPortable Object Template
.POTMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template
.POTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation Template
.POVPOV-Ray Raytracing Format
.PP2Poser Prop File
.PP2PingPlotter Data File
.PPAMicrosoft PowerPoint Add-in
.PPAMMicrosoft PowerPoint 2007 Add-In
.PPCMobile Data Studio Project File
.PPDPostScript Printer Description File
.PPFEdgecam Pathtrace Part File
.PPFTransit NXT Pack Project File
.PPFPicture Publisher Image File
.PPJPremiere 6 Project File
.PPKPuTTY Private Key File
.PPMPortable Pixmap Image
.PPPSerif PagePlus Document
.PPPCyberLink PowerProducer Project
.PPRProject Planner Reader File
.PPSMicrosoft PowerPoint Slide Show (Legacy)
.PPSMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show
.PPSXMicrosoft PowerPoint Slide Show
.PPTMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation (Legacy)
.PPTMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation
.PPTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation
.PPXSerif PagePlus Template File
.PPZCompressed Poser Prop File
.PQHEROPuzzle Quest Saved Game
.PRSource Insight Project
.PRCMobipocket eBook File
.PRCPalm Resource Code File
.PRDXPresentations Document
.PREFPreferences File
.PREFABUnity Prefab File
.PREFPANEMac OS X System Preference Pane
.PRELPremiere Elements Project File
.PRFOutlook Profile File
.PRFWindows System File
.PRFDirector Preferences File
.PRFPSETPremiere Pro Filter Preset File
.PRGProgram File
.PRGPC-DMIS Part Program File
.PRGVisual FoxPro Program File
.PRGRAPID Program File
.PRIPackage Resource Index File
.PRIQt Project Include File
.PRIMITIVES_PROCESSEDWorld of Tanks 3D Model File
.PRJProject File
.PRJAIMMS Project File
.PRKThrillville Theme Park
.PRMParameter File
.PRNPrint to File
.PROQt Project File
.PROKiCad Project
.PROProPresenter Export File
.PROAdobe Proto Design File
.PROTurboFloorPlan 3D Design File
.PRO4ProPresenter 4 Document
.PRO4PLProPresenter Playlist File
.PRO4PLXProPresenter Playlist Bundle
.PRO4XProPresenter 4 Bundle File
.PRO5PLProPresenter Playlist File
.PRO5PLXProPresenter 5 Playlist Bundle
.PRO5TEMPLATEProPresenter 5 Template
.PRO6ProPresenter 6 Document
.PRO6PLXProPresenter 6 Playlist Bundle
.PRO6XProPresenter 6 Bundle File
.PROFILEBash Shell Profile
.PROFILECitrix Application Profile
.PROFIMAILProfiMail Settings File
.PROPAndroid Build Properties File
.PROPDESCProperty Description
.PROPERTIESJava Properties File
.PROPSVisual Studio Project Property File
.PROTOProtocol Buffer File
.PROVISIONPROFILEApple Provision Profile
.PRPROJPremiere Pro Project
.PRSHarvard Graphics Presentation
.PRSXPresentations Slide Show
.PRTCreo Parametric Part
.PRTSolid Edge Part File
.PRTUnigraphics Part File
.PRVVue Preview File
.PRVXPresentations Template
.PRWArtlantis Shader Preview File
.PRXWindows Media Profile File
.PRXPrimavera P3 Compressed Project File
.PSPostScript File
.PS1Windows PowerShell Cmdlet File
.PS1XMLWindows PowerShell Display Configuration File
.PSAPhotoshop Album Catalog File
.PSAUnreal Engine Skeletal Animation File
.PSARPSP Update File
.PSBPhotoshop Large Document Format
.PSCPapyrus Script
.PSC1Windows PowerShell Console File
.PSDAdobe Photoshop Document
.PSDXPhotoshop Touch Document
.PSEPhotoshop Elements Photo Project
.PSFPhotoshop Proof Settings File
.PSFPhotoStudio File
.PSFPortable Sound File
.PSGPage Segment File
.PSHPhotodex Slide Show
.PSIPrimalScript Online Help Shortcut
.PSKUnreal Engine Skeletal Mesh
.PSMProtracker Studio Module
.PSMSolid Edge Sheet Metal File
.PSM1Windows PowerShell Script Module File
.PSPPaintShop Pro Image
.PSPPhotoshop Preferences File
.PSPPL/SQL Server Page
.PSPBRUSHPaintShop Pro Brush File
.PSPDPhotoSuite 5 Project File
.PSPIMAGEPaintShop Pro Image
.PSPROJThe Print Shop Project File
.PSRPowersoft Report File
.PSSPlayStation 2 Game Video File
.PSSGEGO Engine Textures File
.PSTOutlook Personal Information Store
.PSVPipe System Viewer File
.PSVPlayStation 2 Save File
.PSWPocket Word Document
.PSWWindows Password Reset Disk File
.PSWPassword Depot 3-5 File
.PSW6Password Depot 6 File
.PSWXPassword Depot Portable File
.PSZCompressed PostScript File
.PTBSage 50 Backup File
.PTBPower Tab File
.PTEXPtex Texture File
.PTFPro Tools Session File (Legacy)
.PTFPSP Theme File
.PTFScrapbook Flair Template
.PTGArtRage Painting
.PTH4D Path Document
.PTLRational Rose Petal File
.PTMPolyTracker Module
.PTMMapPoint Map File
.PTNPaperPort Thumbnail File
.PTRFlash Intro Project File
.PTSPro Tools Session
.PTTPro Tools Session Template
.PTTMapPoint Map Template
.PTXPro Tools Session File
.PTXE-Transcript File
.PTXTPro Tools Session Template
.PTZE-Transcript Bundle File
.PUPlantUML File
.PUBPublisher Document
.PUBPublic Key File
.PUBLICATIONTwixl Publisher Publication
.PUPPlayStation 3 Update File
.PUPPuppy Linux DotPup Installer Package
.PUPPETAdobe Character Animator Puppet
.PUZAcross Lite Crossword Puzzle
.PVDPolygen3D Vector Descriptor
.PVHDParagon Virtual Hard Drive
.PVKPrivate Key File
.PVMParallels Virtual Machine
.PVRPOWERVR Texture File
.PVWPronto for Windows Data View File
.PWAPassword Agent File
.PWCPictureTaker File
.PWDPocket Word Document
.PWFCounter-Strike PODBot Waypoint File
.PWIPocket Word Document
.PWLWindows Password List
.PWNPawn Source Code File
.PWTAutoCAD Publish To Web Template
.PWVPassword Vault Archive
.PXPixel Image File
.PXBPixelmator Brush File
.PXDPyrex Definition File
.PXDPixlr Layered Image
.PXFTransit XV Pack Project File
.PXIPlexTools Disc Image
.PXJRecordNow Project
.PXLPocket Excel File
.PXMPixelmator Image
.PXPCounter-Strike PODBot Experience File
.PXRPixar Image File
.PXVPixbend Media File
.PYPython Script
.PYCPython Compiled File
.PYDPython Dynamic Module
.PYOPython Optimized Code
.PYPROJVisual Studio Python Project
.PYWPython GUI Source File
.PYXPyrex Source Code File
.PYXELPyxel Image Document
.PZ2Poser Pose File
.PZ3Poser Scene File
.PZAPhotoSuite Album File
.PZFGraphPad Prism Project
.PZFXGraphPad Prism XML Project
.PZPPhotoSuite Project File
.PZSPhotoSuite Slide Show File
.PZZCompressed Poser Scene File

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