.PU File Extension
PlantUML File
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
2.8 | 8 Votes |
What is a PU file?
File created by PlantUML, an open source diagram writing tool used within programs like Microsoft Word or programming language like Java; contains text that is referenced by PlantUML to create diagram images that can be generated as .PNG or .SVG files; creates sequence, use case, class, activity, component, state, and object diagrams; same as the .PLANTUML file.
More Information
An example of the syntax used by the PU file for a sequence diagram:
Joseph → Fred: Hello there!
Fred -→ Joseph: Hello back!
This example would create a diagram of two persons named Joseph and Fred each sending and receiving a message. Joseph says to Fred, "Hello there!" and Fred says to Joseph, "Hello back!" Each message is indicated with arrows in the diagram. The @startuml line begins the comment and the @enduml line ends the comment.
NOTE: PlantUML is downloaded as a .JAR file, consult the PlantUML link below for how to run the tool.