File Type of the Day
LEGO Digital Designer Model File
An LXF file is a 3D model created by LEGO Digital Designer (LDD), a program used to construct virtual LEGO models. It is saved in a compressed .ZIP format and contains two files: IMAGE100.PNG (a .PNG design preview) and IMAGE100.LXFML (an .LXFML design file, written in XML).
Compressed Hunks of Data File
A CHD file contains game data compressed with lossless CHD (short for "Compressed Hunks of Data") compression and is supported by various emulators. It stores a compressed version of the entire contents of an arcade machine's hard disk or compressed game data dumped from a CD-ROM.
Visual Studio Visual Basic.NET Project
A VBPROJ file is a Visual Basic.NET project created in Microsoft Visual Studio. It is an XML file that defines the project's content, platform requirements, versioning information, and web server or database server settings.
Weekly Top Extensions
—.APKAndroid Package File —.EXEWindows Executable File .ICSCalendar File+1 .CRYPT14WhatsApp Encrypted Database File+1 .JPGJPEG Image-2 —.JSONJavaScript Object Notation File .RPMSGOutlook Restricted Permission Message+2 .RARWinRAR Compressed Archive-1 .PDFPortable Document Format File-1 .NOMEDIAAndroid No Media File+3 .DATABASE_...Android Stale Thumbnails Identifier+3 .BINGeneric Binary File-2 .VCFvCard File-1 .XAPKCompressed Android Package+2 .TXTPlain Text File+3 .PKPASSApple Wallet Pass+6 —.DCMDICOM Image .MRPACKModrinth Minecraft Modpack+1 .ODTOpenDocument Text Document+5 —.ZIPZipped File —.KMZGoogle Earth Placemark File .EMLE-Mail Message-7 .MP4MPEG-4 Video+2 .HEICHigh Efficiency Image Format-13 .LNKWindows Shortcut+1Universal File Viewers
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Recent Updates
- September 12, 2024File Viewer for Android 4.6.2 is now available.
- September 11, 2024Learn the difference between a file extension and a file type.
- August 2, 2024File Viewer Plus 5.3 is now available.
- November 17, 2023Find out why some file types use both three and four-letter extensions.
- November 7, 2023Watch a tutorial on how to tag files in macOS.