.DAT File Extension

Data File

Developer N/A
4.0  |  2468 Votes

What is a DAT file?

A DAT file is a generic data file created by a specific application. It may contain data in binary or text format. DAT files are typically accessed only by the application that created them.

How to open a DAT file

Many programs create, open, or reference DAT files. However, most DAT files are used only for application support and are not meant to be opened manually by users. Text-based DAT files can be viewed in any text editor.

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Programs that open or reference DAT files

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Original program that created the file

Minecraft Data File

Developer Mojang
4.1  |  499 Votes

A DAT file may also be a data file used by Minecraft, a 3D exploration and construction game. It is saved in a compressed Gzip format and may contain various kinds of game data, including world information, a record of a player's inventory, and a record of a player's position. Minecraft uses DAT files to save a world's current state and track player progress.

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In old versions of Minecraft, DAT files were also used to store level "chunks," which are small map pieces the game loads on-demand as a player navigates through a world. This format was introduced in the Minecraft Infdev version. The chunks used a 16 x 16 x 128 map dimension.

Minecraft version 1.3's beta release introduced a new chunk format, called Region. Regions were saved in .MCR files. The MCR format was subsequently replaced by the .MCA format, also referred to as Anvil, in patch 1.2.1.

NOTE: Different versions of Minecraft use differently-formatted DAT files. Therefore, a DAT file produced by one version of the game may not be compatible with other versions.

Common DAT Filenames

level.dat - The Minecraft data file that stores world information, such as the player's inventory, the level generator used to create the world, and the current time of day.

How to open a DAT file

Most players will never need to open or modify Minecraft's DAT files. However, modders who want to edit Minecraft's DAT files can do so using NBTExplorer, a multiplatform Minecraft save editing tool. For example, a modder could open and modify level.dat to add items to their inventory, change the world's game rules, or place themself in another area of the world.

Programs that open or reference DAT files

Piriform Portable Mode Flag

Developer Piriform
3.9  |  674 Votes

Portable.dat is a flag used by Piriform applications, such as CCleaner, Speccy, Defraggler, and Recuva. It tells the applications to operate in portable mode, rather than installing themselves to your PC. Portable.dat is stored in an application's parent directory, alongside the app's .EXE file.

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Those looking to streamline their computer's file system and performance use Piriform apps to identify and delete unnecessary files, automatically keep their computer up to date, and perform other optimization tasks.

If you want to run a Piriform application without installing it to your computer, you can download and run the app's portable version. The portable versions of Piriform applications include a portable.dat file. This file is an empty text file, which Piriform apps use only as a flag telling them to operate in portable mode.

Running a Piriform app in portable mode prevents the app from installing its settings to the Windows registry. Instead, the app will create and store its program settings in an .INI file (named for the app, such as CCleaner.ini).

NOTE: You can manually run an already-installed Piriform app in portable mode by creating a portable.dat file in the program's installation directory (e.g. C:/​Program Files/​CCleaner).

Common DAT Filenames

Portable.dat - Tells Piriform applications to operate in portable mode.

How to open a DAT file

Portable.dat files are empty and not meant to be opened.

Programs that open or reference DAT files

Piriform Registration Key

Developer Piriform
4.0  |  424 Votes

A DAT file may also be a key file used by Piriform computer cleaning and optimization applications, such as CCleaner and Recuva. It contains your product registration key. When you start a Piriform application that you purchased, the app references your DAT file to confirm your purchase.

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Piriform publishes applications that allow PC users to clean up their computers' files and optimize their PCs' performance. For example, CCleaner allows users to clean up their web browser history, identify and delete duplicate files, and automatically update their PCs' drivers.

After you purchase a Piriform application, the application will create a DAT file that stores your registration key. If, for some reason, the application cannot find this DAT file at startup, it will operate in trial mode instead of full mode. For this reason, you should never move, edit, or otherwise alter your Piriform registration key.

NOTE: Piriform also uses Piriform Portable Mode Flag DAT files.

How to open a DAT file

You should not open, edit, or in any way alter a DAT file that contains your Piriform registration key. If you do, the corresponding Piriform program may function in trial mode, instead of full mode.

Programs that open or reference DAT files

Inno Setup Uninstaller Data File

Developer Jordan Russel
3.9  |  271 Votes

A DAT file may also be an uninstaller data file created by Inno Setup, a program used to create Windows installers and uninstallers. DAT files created by Inno Setup are typically named unins000.dat. They are stored in a program's installation directory and used to uninstall that program if a user chooses to do so.

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When you install a Windows program that uses an installer built using Inno Setup, the installer creates an unins000.exe and unins000.dat file. If you uninstall the program, Windows runs unins000.exe, which uses information stored in unins000.dat to locate the program's files and remove them from your computer.

Common DAT Filenames

unins000.dat - The name commonly assigned to Inno Setup uninstaller DAT files.

How to open a DAT file

Inno Setup DAT files are not meant to be opened. When you uninstall a program that uses an Inno Setup uninstaller, the uninstaller references its associated DAT file.

Programs that open or reference DAT files


Windows Registry Hive File

Developer Microsoft
3.9  |  254 Votes

The Microsoft Windows registry stores user settings in DAT files. These settings include passwords, account settings, and file associations. Windows applies settings from these DAT files when you log in.

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One common registry hive file is NTUSER.DAT, which stores user-level registry information. It resides in the following directory:


NTUSER.DAT contains important user settings; you should never delete it.

Another common DAT file is SCHEMA.DAT, which is a registry backup and restore file. It resides in:


Common DAT Filenames

NTUSER.DAT - Stores Windows settings for a specific user.

SCHEMA.DAT - Stores Windows registry backup and restore data.

How to open a DAT file

In most cases, you should never open, edit, or delete a Windows registry DAT file.

Programs that open or reference DAT files


Porteus Save Container

Developer Porteus Team
3.9  |  124 Votes

A DAT file may also be a system configuration file used by Porteus, a portable Linux operating system (OS). It contains a list of changes a user has made to their instance of Porteus. For example, a DAT file may contain a list of modified system settings, as well as a user's bookmarks, downloaded files, and browser history.

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Porteus allows users to save and load changes they've made to the OS from a DAT file, most commonly named save.dat. If you are installing Porteus on a device that uses a Windows file system, you must create and use a DAT file to save and load changes. On these devices, a DAT file is required to retain necessary system data, such as symlinks and Linux permissions.

How to create a Porteus DAT file

To create a DAT file in Porteus:

  1. Boot Porteus into the KDE, Xfce, or LXDE desktop interfaces.
  2. After the boot is complete, open the Porteus menu and select System → Porteus save.dat manager.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Follow the prompts to finish creating your DAT file.

Common DAT Filenames

save.dat - The most common filename used for Porteus DAT files, because they are created using the Porteus save.dat manager.

How to open a DAT file

Porteus DAT files are not meant to be opened. To use a DAT file with Porteus, open your porteus.cfg file (located at boot/​syslinux) and set the changes= parameter to reference your DAT file. For example, if your DAT file is named save.dat and stored in the /​porteus/​changes directory, set the parameter to changes=/porteus/changes/save.dat.

Programs that open DAT files


Exchange E-mail Attachment

Developer Microsoft
3.7  |  175 Votes

Winmail.dat files contain formatting information for Rich Text (RTF) messages sent from Microsoft Exchange Server. They are added to the end of emails when a recipient's email client does not support RTF messages. Winmail.dat files are not useful to users who do not use Outlook or Exchange Server to retrieve their mail.

More Information

Read more about Winmail.dat files, including how to open them and prevent them from being sent.

Common DAT Filenames

Winmail.dat - A file attached to the end of email messages when an email program cannot read the rich text formatting data from the source email. This file originates from a Microsoft Exchange Server.

Programs that open or reference DAT files

VCD Video File

Developer N/A
3.6  |  187 Votes

A DAT file contains a video stream from a Video CD (VCD) disc. It stores the actual video data played from the VCD, and is typically saved in MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 format. VCDs were briefly popular in the 1990s for distributing movies and home videos before DVDs.

More Information

Screenshot of a .dat file in VideoLAN VLC media player 3.0.12
DAT file open in VideoLAN VLC media player 3.0.12

The VCD format was developed by Sony, Philips, JVC, and Matsushita and released in 1993. It became a popular method for distributing films in various parts of Asia. However, the disc format was replaced by DVDs, which offered more video storage and better copyright security.

If you find old VCDs with videos that you want to view you can play them with a VCD video player, but those are rare. If you do not have access to a VCD player, you can attempt to play the discs on your DVD player or any computer with a CD/DVD disc drive. When playing a disc on your computer, you will most likely need to manually locate and play the disc's DAT files, which are typically stored in a disc's MPEGAV folder.

NOTE: Some users may have created their own DAT video files using programs like VCDEasy or Nero. These files may not be stored on VCD discs.

How to open a DAT file

You can open and play DAT files with various media players. Some options include VideoLAN VLC media player (multiplatform), CyberLink PowerDirector (multiplatform), and MPlayer (multiplatform).

How to convert a DAT file

You can convert DAT video files to more common video formats with VideoLAN VLC media player, CyberLink PowerDirector, and VCDGear (multiplatform). For example, VLC can convert DAT videos to:

  • .MP4 - MPEG-4 Video
  • .WEBM - WebM Video
  • .TS - Video Transport Stream
  • .ASF - Advanced Systems Format

Programs that open DAT files

Nonimmigrant Visa Application

Developer U.S. Department of State
3.8  |  99 Votes

A DAT file contains information entered during the U.S. Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) process, available from the U.S. Department of State's Consular Electronic Application Center. Applicants can save their application as a DAT file by selecting Save Application to File during the application process. They can then use their DAT file to retrieve their application online.

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Those applying for a U.S. nonimmigrant visa can do so online, via the U.S. Department of State's Consular Electronic Application Center. After an applicant starts the application process, they are given an application ID.

During the application process, applicants can save the current version of their application to their computer as a DAT file. For example, an applicant who needs to finish their application later can select Save Application to File to save their application to their computer. The applicant can then use their application ID and DAT file to retrieve and complete their application.

How to open a DAT file

To use a DAT file to open your U.S. Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160), go to the U.S. Nonimmigrant Visa Application website (linked below) and select RETRIEVE AN APPLICATION. Then, follow the prompts to use your application ID and DAT file to open your application.

Programs that open DAT files

SimCity 4 Game Data

Developer Electronic Arts
3.8  |  96 Votes

A DAT file may also be a game data package used by SimCity 4, a city-building simulation game. It typically contains several types of game data files, such as .SC4MODEL, .SC4LOT, and .SC4DESC files. DAT files are used to package multiple related game data files into a single file, which SimCity 4 can reference and load more easily.

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Published in 2003, SimCity 4 is the fourth major release in Maxis's SimCity series. The game uses a variety of proprietary game data files, some of which are packaged together in DAT files. For example, the SC4MODEL, SC4LOT, and SC4DESC files used to load a city lot might be saved as a single DAT file.

Player-created SimCity 4 mods are also commonly saved as DAT files. To use these mods, players must place them in SimCity 4's plugins folder (and follow any other instructions included with the mod).

How to open a DAT file

Most players will never need to open SimCity 4's DAT files. However, those who are interested in modding SimCity 4 or browsing DAT files' contents can do so using iLive Reader or DatGen, which are player-created applications.

Programs that open or reference DAT files

Nintendo Wii DAT File

Developer Redump.org
3.0  |  12 Votes

A Nintendo Wii DAT file is a text file that was created by Redump.org. It contains XML-formatted text that is used to verify whether a Wii game has been dumped correctly. Redump.org's Wii DAT file is named wii.dat.

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Screenshot of a .dat file in GitHub Atom
DAT file open in GitHub Atom

Nintendo Wii gamers who want to back up their games or play them on PC-based Wii emulators may dump the games into .ISO files. For example, gamers might use the Homebrew Channel and CleanRip applications to create an ISO copy of a game. To verify that CleanRip properly dumped a game, gamers can check the ISO file's checksum against the verified checksum included in Redump.org's wii.dat file. If the checksums match, it means CleanRip created a perfect copy of the game.

Typically, CleanRip automatically downloads and uses wii.dat to verify dumps. However, if gamers want to manually verify a dump, they can download their own copy of wii.dat from various Wii wikis and forums.

How to open a DAT file

Wii.dat is a plain text file, so you can open and examine it in any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad (Windows), Apple TextEdit (Mac), or GitHub Atom (cross-platform).

Programs that open DAT files

GameMaker Studio Game Audio Data Package

Developer YoYo Games
2.8  |  16 Votes

A DAT file may also be a game data package created by GameMaker Studio, a cross-platform game engine. It contains a group of .WAV sound effects used in a GameMaker Studio-developed video game. Most notably, the game Undertale uses audio assets packaged in DAT files.

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GameMaker Studio (also known as just GameMaker) is a game development engine produced by YoYo Games. It allows developers to create video games using drag-and-drop development features and a custom programming language known as Game Maker Language.

While developing a game in GameMaker Studio, developers can choose to save the game's audio assets in a separate, audio-only DAT package. This package is saved alongside the game's primary asset package.

How to open a DAT file

DAT files are not meant to be opened by players. However, players who want to view, edit, or add to a DAT file's contents can do so using UndertaleModTool, a modding tool for GameMaker Studio games.

Programs that open or reference DAT files


Clickteam Fusion Asset Package

Developer Clickteam
2.5  |  15 Votes

A DAT file may also be an asset package used by a program created using Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Clickteam Fusion is most commonly used to create video games, so DAT files most commonly include images, music, and other data used by those games.

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Clickteam Fusion allows developers to create video games and other software for Windows, iOS, Android, and other platforms. While in development, these applications are saved as .MFA files.

As a developer packages their MFA file for the application's target platform(s), the developer may choose to package all the application's assets, including images, music, and other necessary data, into a DAT file. This DAT file can either be stored within the final application or downloaded alongside the application and unpacked during installation.

How to open a DAT file

Clickteam Fusion DAT files are not meant to be opened manually. When you install or run a Clickteam Fusion-created application that includes a DAT file, the application will automatically access the assets stored in that DAT file.

Programs that open or reference DAT files


Geometry Dash Saved Data

Developer RobTop Games
1.8  |  8 Votes

A DAT file may also be a game data file used by Geometry Dash, a music-based platforming game. It contains either a record of a player's Geometry Dash stats and account information, or a record of the custom levels the player has created. Geometry Dash uses these files to load a player's user-specific game data.

More Information

Screenshot of a .dat file in GDColon GDSave Browser
DAT file open in GDColon GDSave Browser

In RobTop Games Geometry Dash (and its various sequels), players must click or tap their screen in time to music to avoid obstacles. The game is available for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.

All versions of Geometry Dash use two DAT files to store players' user-specific data. These files are named CCGameManager.dat and CCLocalLevels.dat. CCGameManager.dat contains a record of a player's game statistics, such as their stars, coins, shards, and levels cleared, and account information. CCLocalLevels.dat contains a record of the custom levels a player has created using Geometry Dash's level creator.

In Windows, these DAT files reside in the following directory:


DAT files created by different versions of Geometry Dash are saved in different formats. For example, DAT files created by the macOS version of Geometry Dash are saved in an encrypted XML format, while DAT files created by the current Windows and Android versions of Geometry Dash are saved in a compressed, encoded XML format.

Common DAT Filenames

CCGameManager.dat - Contains a player's Geometry Dash stats and account information.

CCLocalLevels.dat - Contains a record of the custom levels a Geometry Dash player created.

How to open a DAT file

You can open a DAT file created by the Windows or Android version of Geometry Dash with GDColon GDSave Browser (Web), to view the data it contains. Additionally, you can use Geometry Dash CC*.dat Editor (Web) to convert your DAT file between Geometry Dash save formats (including regular, editable XML).

To use a DAT file with Geometry Dash, you must place it in the directory from which your version of Geometry Dash loads DAT files. Note that, if the DAT file you are attempting to use was created by a different version of Geometry Dash, the game may not be able to load your DAT file (since different versions of Geometry Dash save DAT files in different formats).

Programs that open or reference DAT files

Other RopTop Games Geometry Dash games
Other RopTop Games Geometry Dash games

Prison Architect Asset Archive

Developer Introversion Software
1.3  |  7 Votes

A DAT file may also be a game data archive used by the video game Prison Architect. It contains game assets, such as textures, dialog text, scripts, or audio files. Prison Architect's primary DAT file, which contains non-audio assets, is named main.dat. Its audio asset DAT file is named sounds.dat.

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Prison Architect is a 2D prison construction and management game. It was originally developed and published by Introversion Software and is now developed by Double Eleven and published by Paradox Interactive.

The game includes two DAT files, main.dat and sounds.dat. These files are Zip-compressed archives that contain game assets which players can extract, modify, and replace to customize Prison Architect. For example, a player can replace an audio file found in sounds.dat with a custom audio file (renamed to use the replaced file's filename) to play custom audio in-game.

There are many ways to use DAT files to modify Prison Architect's gameplay. Most commonly, modders use a Zip-decompression tool, such as 7-Zip, to extract a DAT file's contents and produce a data folder. After modifying or replacing assets found in the data folder, modders place the folder in Prison Architect's primary installation directory (~/​Prison Architect). Prison Architect then loads the player's modified assets in place of the original assets stored in a DAT file.

Prison Architect DAT file location

Prison Architect's DAT files are stored in the following locations:

  • Windows: ~/​Prison Architect
  • MacOS: In Prison Architect.app (right-click the file, select Show Package Contents, and navigate to Contents/​Resources)
  • Linux: ~/​Prison Architect

Common DAT Filenames

Main.dat - Contains textures, dialog text, scripts, and other assets.

Sounds.dat - Contains audio assets.

How to open a DAT file

You can open Prison Architect DAT files (to view or extract their contents) with 7-Zip (Windows), The Unarchiver (Mac), or B1 Free Archiver. In some cases, you may first have to change the file's extension to .zip.

Programs that open or reference DAT files

Any Zip-decompression utility
Any Zip-decompression utility
Any Zip-decompression utility

Guild Wars 2 Data File

Developer ArenaNet
3.0  |  1 Vote

A DAT file may also be a compressed archive that stores all of the data required by the ArenaNet Guild Wars 2 game to run. It contains various assets, including textures, models, sounds, and other game-related content. The Guild Wars 2 launcher frequently updates the game's DAT file to ensure players have the latest game assets.

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Guild Wars 2 is a multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the fantasy world of Tyria, where players explore, complete quests, and engage in dynamic combat. The game is available for Windows and macOS. However, official macOS support was discontinued in 2021 due to compatibility issues with Apple's transition to ARM-based processors.

The game's installation directory includes a DAT file (Gw2.dat) with the game's .EXE file (Gw2.exe or Gw2-64.exe). The game client automatically manages the DAT file as you play it, updating and managing its contents as needed.

Common DAT Filenames

Gw2.dat - The name of the DAT file that stores all of the data required by the ArenaNet Guild Wars 2 game to run.

How to open a DAT file

DAT files are not meant to be opened by a user. Instead, Guild Wars 2 references the contents of the file to properly run the game. Modifying or tampering with the DAT file can lead to game errors or potential violations of the game's terms of service.

Programs that open or reference DAT files


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