Microsoft Windows

Version11(as of 10/15/2021)
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Rating:4.2  |  930 Votes

Main Features

  • Capabilities for both home and professional users
  • Allows you to view files and folders in different windows
  • Comes with various productivity apps installed, including Edge, Mail, Calendar, and Photos
  • Provides the Microsoft Store to download & purchase apps, movies, TV shows, and more
  • Enables you to chat and make audio-only or video calls with Microsoft Teams Chat
  • Offers widgets to conveniently search the web, check the weather, view photos, or read the news

Software Overview

Screenshot of Microsoft Windows 11
Screenshot of Microsoft Windows 11

Microsoft Windows is an industry-leading operating system (OS) suitable for home and business users. Each version includes a graphical user interface with a desktop that lets you view files and folders in different windows and comes with bundled apps to perform various tasks. Competitors to Windows include Apple's macOS platform and Linux-based operating systems such as Linux Mint and Ubuntu.

Windows features a desktop where you can perform various tasks, such as utilizing apps and viewing or modifying files in windows. In addition, the desktop includes a fixed taskbar for organizing apps, searching your computer, and accessing the Start menu. The OS also comes with File Explorer, a utility for navigating your computer directories, performing file-related functions, and customizing your settings.

Windows 11 comes with many helpful apps for browsing the web, composing documents, messaging and video calling, and organizing photos. Some apps bundled with Windows 11 include:

  • Edge - A web browser
  • Photos - A photo viewer and organizer
  • Movies & TV - A video player
  • Groove Music - An audio player
  • WordPad - A rich document editor
  • Microsoft Store - An app for purchasing and downloading games, movies, TV shows, and more


Microsoft Windows is the most commonly used operating system for personal and corporate computers. It is compatible with a wide array of hardware specifications and has the largest community of software developers for both personal and productivity software. Although the usability of Windows fluctuates with each OS version, Microsoft Windows is an excellent choice for computer users.

Primary File Type

exe icon.EXEWindows Executable File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.EXEWindows Executable File
.BATDOS Batch File
.CFGConfiguration File
.CMDWindows Command File
.COMDOS Command File
.CPLWindows Control Panel Item
.DBWindows Thumbnail Cache
.DLLDynamic Link Library
.DRVDevice Driver
.INIWindows Initialization File
.LNKWindows Shortcut
.PIFProgram Information File
.SCRWindows Screensaver
.SYSWindows System File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.000Indexing Service Data File
.ACCOUNTPICTURE-MSWindows 8 Account Picture File
.AOSARCHOS PCtablet Firmware File
.BK1Windows Indexing Service File
.BK2Windows Indexing Service Data File
.BUDBinary Printer Description File
.CATWindows Catalog File
.CDMPWCS Device Model Profile
.CHSWindows Chinese Noise-Word List File
.CHTWindows Chinese Traditional Noise-Word List File
.CIWindows Content Indexer Catalog File
.CLGWindows Catalog File
.CPICodepage Information File
.CURWindows Cursor Image
.DESKLINKDesktop Shortcut
.DEVWindows Device Driver File
.DICDictionary File
.E_ERenamed EXE File
.FNTWindows Font File
.FOTFont Resource File
.GADGETWindows Gadget
.GPDGeneric Printer Description File
.HSHWindows Catalog Search Index File
.ICLWindows Icon Library File
.INF_LOCWindows Driver Information Cache File
.ITEMDATA-MSWindows 8 Start Screen Item Data File
.LCNLicense File
.LIBRARY-MSWindows Library Description File
.SETTINGCONTENT-MSWindows Settings File
.SFXWindows Self-extracting Archive
Updated 10/15/2021