Microsoft Windows Media Player

Version12(as of 3/19/2019)
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Rating:4.1  |  608 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports popular video and audio formats, such as WMV and MPEG
  • Allows you to customize the organization of your media
  • Enables streaming between different computers and devices on the same network
  • Rips and burns audio to CDs

Software Overview

Screenshot of Microsoft Windows Media Player 12
Screenshot of Microsoft Windows Media Player 12

Microsoft Windows Media Player is a media library application used to play video and audio and to view images. The application comes bundled with the Windows operating system. Microsoft replaced Windows Media Player with Media Player in 2022.

Windows Media Player supports many popular audio and video formats, such as .WMV, .MOV, .MPEG, .WAV, .ASF, .MIDI, and .AIFF. The player also supports H.264, Xvid, and DivX video. There are a large amount of free plugins available that extend the capabilities of Windows Media Player, as well. In Windows Media Player, you can also stream media from or to other devices on your network, sync your media to portable devices, and burn your audio to a CD.

Windows Media Player allows you to customize your media experience. It lets you configure the navigation pane, sort your media by categories such as genre and rating, and edit the skin of the player. Windows Media Player also enables you to create your own media playlists and can generate playlists based on your criteria.


Before Microsoft replaced the app with Media Player, Windows Media Player was a good option for organizing and playing your media in Windows. It supports many popular audio and video formats, allows you to customize the organization of your media, and enables you to burn your audio to a CD. However, now that Microsoft replaced Windows Media Player, Media Player is a better option for your media playback needs.

Primary File Type

wmv icon.WMVWindows Media Video

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.WMVWindows Media Video
.AC3Audio Codec 3 File
.AIFAudio Interchange File Format
.AIFCCompressed Audio Interchange File
.ASFAdvanced Systems Format File
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.DVRMicrosoft Recorded TV Show
.M4AMPEG-4 Audio
.M4BMPEG-4 Audiobook
.M4ViTunes Video File
.MIDIMIDI Music Data
.MKVMatroska Video
.MOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MP3MP3 Audio
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.OGGOgg Vorbis Audio
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.SNDSound File
.VC1VC-1 Video File
.VFWVideo for Windows
.WEBMWebM Video
.WMWindows Media File
.WMAWindows Media Audio
.WMSWindows Media Skin
.WPLWindows Media Player Playlist
.XVIDXvid-Encoded Video File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ADTADTS Audio File
.AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
.ALACApple Lossless Audio Codec File
.APLMonkey's Audio Track Information File
.ASXMicrosoft ASF Redirector File
.AUSun Microsystems Audio File
.AXDirectShow Filter
.BIKBink Video File
.CDACD Audio Track Shortcut
.DMBDigital Multimedia Broadcasting File
.DVFSony Digital Voice File
.DVR-MSMicrosoft Digital Video Recording
.EVOHD DVD Video File
.HDMOVQuickTime HD Movie File
.ICSIC Recorder Sound File
.IVFIndeo Video Format File
.K3G3GP Mobile Phone Video File
.LRCLyrics File
.LRVLow-resolution Video File
.LSFStreaming Media Format
.LSXStreaming Media Shortcut
.M1AMPEG-1 Audio File
.M2AMPEG-1 Layer 2 Audio File
.M2PMPEG-2 Program Stream File
.M2THDV Video File
.M2TSBlu-ray BDAV Video File
.M2VMPEG-2 Video
.M3UM3U Media Playlist
.M3U8UTF-8 M3U Playlist
.MOBMOBTV Video File
.MP2MPEG Layer II Compressed Audio File
.MP2VMPEG-2 Video File
.MP4.INFOVIDParrot AR Drone and Gyro Flyer Video
.MP4VMPEG-4 Video
.MPAMPEG-2 Audio File
.MPEMPEG Movie File
.MPG2MPEG-2 Video
.MPGAMPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio File
.MPVMPEG-2 Elementary Stream Video
.MPV2MPEG-2 Video Stream
.MSVMemory Stick Voice File
.NAPNapster Secured Music File
.OGXOgg Vorbis Multiplexed Media File
.PRXWindows Media Profile File
.RBSMP3 Ringtone File
.RECORDGarageBand Records Audio File
.RVRealVideo File
.SCMSuper Chain Media File
.SHNShorten Compressed Audio File
.SMISAMI Subtitles File
.SPXOgg Vorbis Speex File
.SRTSubRip Subtitle File
.T3DTicTacTi Advertisement Definition File
.TTATrue Audio File
.UAU Audio File
.VSubsampled Raw YUV Image
.VIDGeneric Video File
.VP3On2 Streaming Video File
.VP6TrueMotion VP6 Video File
.VP7TrueMotion VP7 Video File
.WAVEWAVE Sound File
.WAXWindows Media Audio Redirect
.WDFWonderland Adventures Media File
.WMDWindows Media Download Package
.WMDBWindows Media Database File
.WMXWindows Media Redirector File
.WMZWindows Media Player Skin Package
.WVXWindows Media Video Redirector
.YSubsampled Raw YUV Image
.ZVRSAFA Media Audio File
Updated 3/19/2019