.MID File Extension


Developer N/A
4.0  |  221 Votes

What is a MID file?

A MID file is a standard MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) file used by music authoring and mixing programs as well as MIDI hardware devices. It contains music data, such as what notes are played, when they are played, how long each note is held, and how loud each note is played.

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MID files are used to encode MIDI data into a standard format that is interoperable between different types of software programs and hardware devices. They may also contain controller data for a device. For example, a MID file can be used to change instruments on a MIDI hardware device or modify sustain pedal information.

MID files contain attributes of music data rather than music data itself. They can be played back using software instruments that interpret this data.

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Programs that open MID files


MapInfo Data File

Developer Pitney Bowes Software
3.0  |  39 Votes

GIS data file created by MapInfo, a spatial data analysis and visualization software; saves spatial data for a corresponding .MIF (MapInfo Interchange Format) file; used for storing larger data sets not expressed in the MIF file.

Programs that open or reference MID files


Guitar Rhythm Data File

Developer N/A
3.0  |  10 Votes

A MID file may also contain song data used by various guitar rhythm video games, such as Guitar Hero, Clone Hero, Phase Shift, and Rock Band. It does not contain audio data, but instead uses MIDI data to mark events during song playback. Events include guitar notes, practice mode sections, star power phrases, and other events.

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MID files are typically stored in a folder with one or more audio files. For example, a Guitar Hero audio track (saved as an .OGG file) may have a corresponding MID file that contains guitar notes to be played for that song.

Most guitar rhythm gamers will not need to open or edit MID files unless they are looking to modify notes or create their own song files. If you want to modify notes, you can open and edit MID files using FeedBack and Moonscraper Chart Editor. You can import MID files directly into Guitar Hero III using Guitar Hero Three Control Panel (GHTPC).

NOTE: Guitar rhythm files are also saved with a .CHART file extension to avoid confusion with standard MIDI files.

Common MID Filenames

notes.mid - The standard filename used to store guitar rhythm data for a specific song

Programs that open or reference MID files

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