Nullsoft Winamp

Version5(as of 2/27/2018)
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Rating:3.9  |  237 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports a large number of audio and video formats
  • Manages multimedia content in a single integrated library
  • Customizable user interface with skins
  • Supports user-developed plug-ins
  • Online browsing and shopping features

Software Overview

Screenshot of Nullsoft Winamp 5.6
Screenshot of Nullsoft Winamp 5.6

Nullsoft Winamp is a media player that plays audio, video, and other multimedia content. The software supports many audio and video file formats, and provides tools for organizing music and video files into playlists and searchable libraries.

Winamp includes the following components for playing, organizing, burning, and synchronizing media:

  • Main Window: The default view for playing music; provides access to all Winamp features.
  • Playlist Editor: Allows users to create and manage lists of songs.
  • Media Library: Organizes all multimedia into one location; supports CD ripping and burning, podcast subscriptions, and online shopping; can synchronize audio and video files with portable media players.
  • Browser: Allows users to browse the Web, listen to audio blogs, and search for application skins and plugins.
  • Video: Supports video playback in window or full screen mode; provides access to Internet TV stations.
  • Visualizations: Displays animated graphics that are synchronized with playing music.
  • Equalizer: Supports equalization (EQ) presets, crossfades, and other playback settings.

Additional features can be added to Winamp using plug-ins. For example, plug-ins may provide tempo and pitch control, extra audio output settings, or support for additional file formats. Many plug-ins can be downloaded from the Winamp website.

If you are looking for a media player for home use, Winamp may be the answer. It provides many of the standard features included with most media players while also allowing you to customize it. You can use the Winamp SDK, which is provided by Nullsoft, to contribute plug-ins that add useful features to the software. If you are looking for a substitute to Microsoft Windows Media Player or Apple iTunes, check out the customizable Nullsoft Winamp media player.

Primary File Type

mp3 icon.MP3MP3 Audio

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MP3MP3 Audio
.AACAdvanced Audio Coding File
.AIFAudio Interchange File Format
.AMFAdvanced Module File
.ASFAdvanced Systems Format File
.ASXMicrosoft ASF Redirector File
.AUSun Microsystems Audio File
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.CDACD Audio Track Shortcut
.FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec File
.FLVFlash Video
.M2VMPEG-2 Video
.M3UM3U Media Playlist
.M4AMPEG-4 Audio
.M4ViTunes Video File
.MKVMatroska Video
.MODMusic Module File
.MP1MPEG-1 Layer 1 Audio File
.MP2MPEG Layer II Compressed Audio File
.MP3MP3 Audio
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.MTMMultiTracker Module
.NSANullsoft Streaming Audio File
.NSVNullsoft Streaming Video File
.OGGOgg Vorbis Audio
.PLSMultimedia Playlist File
.PVFPortable Voice Format
.Q1Winamp Equalizer Presets File
.SNDSound File
.STMScream Tracker 2 Module
.SWFShockwave Flash Movie
.WMAWindows Media Audio
.WMVWindows Media Video
.WPLWindows Media Player Playlist

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.669UNIS Composer 669 Module
.A2MAdlib Tracker II File
.AC3Audio Codec 3 File
.ACMInterplay Audio File
.AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
.APEAVS Plugin Effects File
.APEMonkey's Audio
.APLMonkey's Audio Track Information File
.AVSAVS Preset File
.DSMDigital Sound Module
.EQFWinamp Equalizer Preset File
.FARFarandole Composer Module
.IMFId Music File
.ITImpulse Tracker Module
.KARKaraoke MIDI File
.LALossless Audio File
.LNGWinamp Language File
.LRCLyrics File
.M4BMPEG-4 Audiobook
.MIDIMIDI Music Data
.MILKMilkDrop Winamp Plug-in Preset
.MINIUSFNintendo 64 Song File
.MPEMPEG Movie File
.MPUMPEG Layer 3 Audio File
.NSFNES Sound Format Audio
.NSTNoiseTracker Module
.OGAOgg Vorbis Audio File
.OKTOktalyzer Module
.PSFPortable Sound File
.PTMPolyTracker Module
.ROLAd Lib Synthesized Instrument
.S3MScreamTracker 3 Module
.S3ZCompressed Scream Tracker 3 Module
.SDSMIDI Sample Dump Standard File
.SPCSNES Soundtrack File
.SZWinamp Classic Skin Download
.ULTUltra Tracker Module
.USFNintendo 64 Music File
.USFLIBNintendo 64 Song Library
.VAGPlayStation Compressed Audio
.VOCCreative Labs Audio File
.VQFTwinVQ Audio File
.WALWinamp Modern Skin
.WLZWinamp Language Pack
.WSZWinamp Classic Skin
.WVWavPack Audio File
.XMFasttracker 2 Extended Module
.XMIExtended MIDI File
Updated 2/27/2018