.PLS File Extension
Multimedia Playlist File
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.5 | 35 Votes |
Used by | Apple iTunes — Discontinued |
What is a PLS file?
A PLS file contains a playlist, which is a list of multimedia files that can be played back with a media player. It stores references to the locations of the multimedia files, along with metadata about the items on the list. PLS files do not store actual audio and video data, only information in plain text about the audio and video files.
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Many media players can open playlists in the PLS format. Some of them include Apple iTunes, Nullsoft Winamp, Clementine, and VideoLAN VLC media player. Text editors can also open PLS files since they are saved in plain text.
There are various types of files used to store playlists for multimedia players. The most common playlist file type is .M3U, which is created and opened by many media players. Some other playlist files include .ASX, .WPL, and .XSPF files.
Programs that open or reference PLS files
PL/SQL Stored Procedure
Developer | Oracle |
Popularity |
4.3 | 10 Votes |
Used by | Oracle Database |
A PLS file contains a stored procedure, which is a set of PL/SQL statements that perform an action to access or modify data in a database. PLS files are used by Oracle PL/SQL database software, which is used for various purposes, including data warehousing and online transaction processing.
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PL/SQL is a procedural language extension to Structured Query Language (SQL). It is available in Oracle Database (since version 6), IBM DB2 (since version 9.7), and TimesTen in-memory database (since version 11.2.1).
Programs that open or reference PLS files
MYOB Accounting Data File
Developer | MYOB Technology |
Popularity |
3.2 | 19 Votes |
Used by | MYOB Technology AccountRight |
Financial data file created by MYOB accounting software, such as AccountEdge and Accounting Plus; contains company financial information, such as revenues and expenses; used for budgeting and tracking, as well as printing reports.
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MYOB Technology no longer offers some products that create PLS files. However, you can typically convert them using more recent MYOB software products.
Programs that open or reference PLS files
PicoLog Settings File
Developer | Pico Technology |
Popularity |
2.9 | 8 Votes |
Used by | Pico Technology PicoLog |
Stores data capture settings for PicoLog, a data acquisition program included with Pico data logger devices; can be saved manually by selecting "File→Save As..." within the current session.
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The file recorder.pls contains information about the current recording session, while player.pls contains information about the current player session.
The data contained in the recorder.pls file is also written to the end of each related .PLW data file.