VideoLAN VLC media player

Version3(as of 10/28/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.8  |  1211 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports a large number of audio and video formats
  • Compatible with multiple platforms
  • Converts media files to a variety of audio and video formats
  • Provides a simple user interface

Software Overview

Screenshot of VideoLAN VLC media player 3.0.16
Screenshot of VideoLAN VLC media player 3.0.16

VideoLAN VLC media player is a popular, open-source media player that runs on the Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android platforms. It can play a large array of media formats, including files stored on discs, audio and video files downloaded from the Internet, and streaming media.

VLC media player’s main function is playing video and audio files. It can read a large number of popular video and audio formats, such as MPEG, MP4, MOV, WMV, H.263, WAV, FLV, and AVI. The player can also convert media into many of the same formats that it is able to read, including the MPEG, ASF, AAC, and MP3 formats.

You can play and organize your video, audio, or image files by dragging and dropping them into the application. Once imported, you can create playlists to categorize your media content. You can also subscribe to podcasts and stream music through the application.


VideoLAN VLC media player is a great solution for home users that want to play their favorite media files. While it may not offer as many features as NullSoft Winamp, Apple iTunes, or Microsoft Windows Media Player, it can recognize and open more formats. For that reason alone, it is worth installing VideoLAN VLC media player on your computer.

Primary File Type

vlc icon.VLCVLC Playlist

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.VLCVLC Playlist
.3G23GPP2 Multimedia File
.3GA3GPP Audio File
.3GP3GPP Multimedia File
.AACAdvanced Audio Coding File
.ADTADTS Audio File
.ANXAnnodex Exchange Format File
.AVCHDHigh Definition Video File
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.BIKBink Video File
.DVDigital Video File
.F4VFlash MP4 Video File
.FLVFlash Video
.GXFGeneral eXchange Format File
.H264H.264 Encoded Video File
.HDMOVQuickTime HD Movie File
.ISODisc Image File
.M1VMPEG-1 Video File
.M2VMPEG-2 Video
.M4AMPEG-4 Audio
.M4BMPEG-4 Audiobook
.M4ViTunes Video File
.MJPGMotion JPEG Video
.MKAMatroska Audio
.MKSMatroska Elementary Stream File
.MOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MP3MP3 Audio
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.MPEG1MPEG-1 Video File
.MPG2MPEG-2 Video
.MPVMPEG-2 Elementary Stream Video
.NSVNullsoft Streaming Video File
.NUVNuppelVideo File
.OGGOgg Vorbis Audio
.OGVOgg Video
.OMASony OpenMG Music File
.OPUSOpus Audio
.PSSPlayStation 2 Game Video File
.RARealAudio File
.RBSMP3 Ringtone File
.RECTopfield PVR Recording
.RMRealMedia File
.RTRealText Streaming Text File
.SPXOgg Vorbis Speex File
.SVISamsung Video File
.TODJVC Everio Video Capture File
.TRPHD Video Transport Stream
.TSVideo Transport Stream File
.TTATrue Audio File
.VLTVLC Media Player Skin File
.VOCCreative Labs Audio File
.VP6TrueMotion VP6 Video File
.VQFTwinVQ Audio File
.VRODVD Video Recording Format
.WEBMWebM Video
.WMAWindows Media Audio
.WVWavPack Audio File
.XESCExpression Encoder Screen Capture File
.ZABZipped Audio Book

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.3GPP3GPP Media File
.3P23GPP Multimedia File
.669UNIS Composer 669 Module
.A52A/52 Audio
.AOBDVD-Audio Audio Object File
.CDACD Audio Track Shortcut
.CDGCompact Disc Plus Graphics Image
.CUECue Sheet File
.IFODVD-Video Disc Information File
.MP1MPEG-1 Layer 1 Audio File
.MP2MPEG Layer II Compressed Audio File
.MP2VMPEG-2 Video File
.MP4.INFOVIDParrot AR Drone and Gyro Flyer Video
.MPAMPEG-2 Audio File
.MPLMPL2 Subtitles File
.MPLSBlu-ray Movie Playlist File
.MPSUBMPlayer Subtitles File
.MT2SMPEG-2 Transport Stream File
.MXFMaterial Exchange Format
.OGAOgg Vorbis Audio File
.OGMOgg Media File
.OGXOgg Vorbis Multiplexed Media File
.PJSPhoenix Subtitles File
.PLSMultimedia Playlist File
.PSBPowerDivX Subtitles File
.QTApple QuickTime Movie
.RAMReal Audio Metadata File
.RMJReal Media Jukebox Audio File
.RMVBRealMedia Variable Bit Rate File
.S3MScreamTracker 3 Module
.S3ZCompressed Scream Tracker 3 Module
.SMISAMI Subtitles File
.SRTSubRip Subtitle File
.TAKTom's Lossless Audio Kompressor File
.USFUniversal Subtitles Format File
.VOBDVD Video Object File
.WAXWindows Media Audio Redirect
.XAThe Sims Audio File
.XMFasttracker 2 Extended Module
.XSPFXML Shareable Playlist File
Updated 10/28/2021