.WLZ File Extension

Winamp Language Pack

Developer Nullsoft
3.9  |  10 Votes
Used by

What is a WLZ file?

Plugin file used by Winamp, a Windows music player; contains a collection of .LNG files for the language pack compressed in a .ZIP format; allows users to customize the interface to their own language.

More Information

Several language packs are available for download on the Winamp website.

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Programs that open or reference WLZ files


WinImage Compressed Disk Image Set

Developer Gilles Vollant
4.0  |  3 Votes
Open with

Collection of disk images (.IMA files) compressed with WinImage, a disk imaging utility; saved as a single compressed archive; individual disk images within the WLZ file can be decompressed and mounted using WinImage.

More Information

NOTE: Individual compressed disk images are saved with an .IMZ extension.

Programs that open WLZ files


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