MakeMusic Finale

Version27(as of 2/24/2023)
PlatformsWindows, Mac
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Rating:2.6  |  97 Votes

Main Features

  • Create musical scores using intuitive editing tools
  • Use templates, imported MIDI files or scores, or recorded audio to get started
  • Automate basic or repetitive scorewriting tasks with FinaleScript
  • Export, print, or share scores online in many common formats

Software Overview

Screenshot of MakeMusic Finale 27
Screenshot of MakeMusic Finale 27

MakeMusic Finale is a music notation program available for Windows and macOS. Composers use Finale to write, edit, and play back musical scores. Because it includes a robust set of scorewriting features, Finale is one of the most popular professional music notation programs.

Composers can create new Finale scores (.MUSX files) from scratch or start from one of the program's many included templates. They can also:

  • Import a MIDI or MusicXML file to convert that file into a Finale score
  • Record real-time audio and convert that audio into a Finale score

While editing a score, composers can quickly and intuitively add, remove, and edit notes, using selection, cut, copy, and paste tools. They can also add lyrics, title their score, and add composer and copyright information. Advanced users can use the FinaleScript scripting language to create and run scripts that automate certain scorewriting tasks.

Finally, Finale allows composers to play back their score as a MIDI sample. Using the program's Human Playback feature, composers can even add the nuance of certain styles of human performance. Composers can then export, print, or share their finished scores online, in a variety of common formats.


MakeMusic Finale is a powerful tool that composers can use to quickly and easily create musical scores. While the program's cost is somewhat prohibitive for amateur scorewriters, professionals will be glad they have access to Finale's comprehensive suite of import, composition, and playback features.

Primary File Type

musx icon.MUSXFinale Notation File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MUSXFinale Notation File
.ASVXFinale 2014 Auto-Saved Score
.BAKXFinale 2014 Score Backup
.CLPFinale Clip
.ETFENIGMA Transportable File
.FANFinale Font Annotation
.FPAFinale Performance Assessment
.FTMXFinale 2014 Score Template
.INIFinale Preferences File
.LIBFinale Library
.LSNFinale Lesson File
.NOTFinale Note File
.PLYFinale Playback File
.SMPXSmartMusic Accompaniment File
.TMPFinale Temporary File
.TRKFinale Track-to-Staff Mapping File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ASVFinale 2012 Auto-Saved Score
.BAKFinale 2012 Score Backup
.FTMFinale 2012 Score Template
.FXTFinale Plug-in
.MUSFinale Notation File (Legacy)
.MXLCompressed MusicXML File
Updated 2/24/2023