Apple Logic Pro

Version10(as of 3/14/2022)
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Rating:2.2  |  33 Votes

Main Features

  • Write MIDI songs using musical notation including guitar tablature
  • Use professionally recorded Apple Loops in your songs
  • Record audio in multi-channel surround sound
  • Utilize audio effects including distortion, crossfades, and pitch changing
  • Expand Logic Pro's capabilities with many available plug-ins

Software Overview

Apple Logic Pro is an audio program used for recording and editing digital audio and sequencing MIDI tracks. Originally the program came in Pro and Express versions but is now only available from the Apple App Store as Logic Pro. GarageBand uses a version of Logic's audio engine and is bundled in the iLife suite included on any new Mac computer.

Logic Pro has many features for working on digital audio projects. It supports macOS Core Audio so you can record audio through many different interfaces including Thunderbolt inputs and provides 64 channels of high-quality, 192kHz/24-bit audio. After your audio has been recorded you can manipulate the sound with many different effects such as distortions, filters, crossfades, and processors. With Logic Pro you also gain access to a massive amount of professionally recorded Apple loops that you can integrate into your songs.

If you are more interested in working with MIDI data, Logic Pro has many tools for the job. While editing your song you can use quantization to assure that all of your notes fit the rhythm of the composition. With the MIDI Draw feature, you can easily see and edit the modulation, pitch bend, volume, and expression data in a graphical interface. There are also multiple MIDI editors for viewing and editing all types of MIDI data so that you can find one that best suits your needs.


Apple Logic Pro is a great program for audio professionals and enthusiasts working on a Mac. Whether you like working with recorded digital audio or editing MIDI songs, it has the tools and features to help you create professional audio compositions. If you work on a Windows computer, you might want to look into Pro Tools or FL Studio.

Primary File Type

logicx icon.LOGICXLogic Pro Project

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.LOGICXLogic Pro Project
.AACAdvanced Audio Coding File
.AAFAdvanced Authoring Format File
.AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
.BWFBroadcast Wave File
.CAFCore Audio File
.CDDACD Digital Audio File
.EXSEXS Instrument
.LOGICLogic Pro Project File
.LSOLogic Audio Project
.MP3MP3 Audio
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.OMFOpen Media Framework File
.OVWLogic Pro Overview File
.PCMPulse Code Modulation File
.SMFStandard MIDI File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.BANDGarageBand Project
.CAFFCore Audio File
.GBPROJGarageBand Project
.MIDIMIDI Music Data
.MWANDGarageBand MagicMentor Template
.PBDProBID+ Data File
.PEBProEST+ Buildings File
.POVProlab Object File
.RECORDGarageBand Records Audio File
.SD2FSound Designer 2 File
.SDIISound Designer 2 Audio File
.WANDGarageBand Magic Template
Updated 3/14/2022