Version | 1(as of 1/19/2018) |
Platforms | Windows, Mac, Linux |
License | Open Source |
Category | Scientific |
Main Features
- Open source license enables free modification and redistribution of source code
- Available as source code or third-party developed executables
- Support for popular raster geospatial data formats
Software Overview
GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) is an open source translator library for raster geospatial data formats. It is available only as downloadable source code, but several different efforts provide ready-to-use executables for download.
The GDAL library supports many popular raster geospatial data formats, such as NASA ELAS, ERMapper, Intergraph Raster, SGI Image, NITF, and Idrisi Raster. The GDAL open source license allows you to do whatever you want to the source code, including modifying and redistributing the code as your own. GDAL is used by many geospatial programs, such as ArcGIS, Geoconcept, Vectorworks, and Google Earth, to read and write GIS formats. These programs use the different formatted data to create maps, charts, and 3D models of the earth’s surface.
GDAL is a robust library that allows you to modify and redistribute its source code however you wish. You can also download ready-to-use executables of GDAL provided by third-party developers instead of building directly from source code. If you have used a GIS tool before, you’ve most likely already experienced the helpful capabilities of the GDAL library.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.ADF | ESRI ArcInfo Binary Grid Format |
.BIL | ESRI BIL File |
.ERS | ER Mapper Data File |
.GRB | GRIB Meteorological Data File |
.HDR | ESRI BIL Header File |
.MID | MapInfo Data File |
.MIF | MapInfo Interchange Format File |
.NITF | National Imagery Transmission Format File |
.PIX | PCI Geomatics Database File |
.RDC | IDRISI Raster Documentation File |
.REF | IDRISI Raster Image Reference File |
.RST | IDRISI Raster Image |
.SDW | MrSID World File |
.SMP | IDRISI Palette File |
.TAB | MapInfo TAB File |
.TIF | GeoTIFF Image |
.WLD | ESRI World File |