.RST File Extension

2 file types use the .rst file extension.

reStructuredText File

Developer David Goodger
3.5  |  36 Votes
Used by

What is an RST file?

An RST file is a text file that contains code written in the reStructuredText markup language. reStructuredText is used to apply basic styles and formatting to plain text documents. RST files most commonly contain technical documentation for Python programs, though they may also contain text that is meant to be converted into an eBook, simple webpage, or other document.

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Screenshot of a .rst file in GitHub Atom
RST file open in GitHub Atom

reStructuredText is a file format and markup language that software developers and technical writers use to produce technical documentation for Python-based software programs. When processed using the Python Docutils tool or another documentation-processing program, the markup symbols that reStructuredText (RST) files contain are transformed into text formatting.

For example, to add a bulleted list to an RST file, an author would write the following:

- Bulleted list item
- Bulleted list item
- Bulleted list item

When processed by a documentation-processing program, the above text would be shown as:

  • Bulleted list item
  • Bulleted list item
  • Bulleted list item

RST files can also contain symbols used to indicate that text should be bolded (** **), italicized (* *), or transformed into a section header (=====) or sub-header (-----). They may also include links to images and URLs.

How to open an RST file

Because RST files are plain text files, you can open and edit them in any text editor, including:

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Programs that open or reference RST files

Included with OS
Included with OS
Included with OS

IDRISI Raster Image

Developer Clark Labs
2.4  |  10 Votes
Open with

GIS image created by IDRISI Taiga, a GIS imaging application; stores a raster image, commonly representing the geographical terrain captured in an aerial photo via remote sensing techniques; used in the process of analyzing and visualizing spatial data.

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RST files are saved with an accompanying .RDC file that describes the contents of the image. They may also include an .SMP color table file and a .REF geographic reference file.

IDRISI raster images formerly used the ".img" extension. However, Clark Labs changed the extension so that the file type would not be confused with other file types that use the ".img" extension.

NOTE: Clark Labs renamed IDRISI as TerrSet.

Programs that open RST files

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