
Version7(as of 4/29/2014)
PlatformsMac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.7  |  54 Votes

Main Features

  • Extensively customizable
  • Utilizes customizable key mappings to automate work
  • Compares and merges files
  • Supports extended regular expressions
  • Accessible in a command line interface or GUI

Software Overview

Vim is a free and open source text editor designed for editing source code. It has a sharper learning curve than most other simple text editors and is not intended for novice users. Vim is also available on Mac as MacVim and Windows as gVim.

Vim is designed to be highly customizable so that you can personalize your experience and maximize your productivity. You can use it with a Graphical User Interface or from a command line interface. It allows you to define your own key mappings to automate sequences of keystrokes or call custom functions. There are also many plug-ins available to add to Vim's functionality.

If you are very proficient with computers and prefer to use your applications with minimal GUI interference, Vim is a good text editor for you. If you don't feel like learning how to use Vim, a simple text editor like Notepad or TextEdit is a better pick.

Primary File Type

txt icon.TXTPlain Text File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.TXTPlain Text File
.AStatic Library
.ANSANSI Text File
.ASMAssembly Language Source Code File
.AWKAWK Script
.BSHBeanShell Script
.BVHBiovision Hierarchy Animation File
.CC/C++ Source Code File
.CELXCelestia Script
.CFGConfiguration File
.CFGWesnoth Markup Language File
.CGICommon Gateway Interface Script
.COMMANDTerminal Command File
.CONFUnix Configuration File
.CSHC Shell Script
.DXLDomino XML Language File
.ERRError Log File
.EXWEuphoria Source code File
.GVIMRCGVim Runtime Configuration File
.HC/C++/Objective-C Header File
.HSHaskell Script
.INCInclude File
.JAVAJava Source Code File
.JSONJavaScript Object Notation File
.LLex Source File
.LHSLiterate Haskell Script
.LUALua Source Code
.MMercury Source Code File
.MObjective-C Implementation File
.MARKDOWNMarkdown Documentation File
.MDMachine Description File
.MLML Source Code File
.MXMLFlex MXML Component
.P6Perl 6 Source Code File
.PHP3PHP 3 Web Page
.PROPERTIESJava Properties File
.RPYPython Script
.RSTreStructuredText File
.SSource Code File
.SHBash Shell Script
.SQLStructured Query Language Data File
.TEXLaTeX Source Document
.UTF8Unicode UTF8-Encoded Text Document
.YMLYAML Document

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.GALAXYBlizzard Galaxy File
.JJava Source File
.JAVJava Source File
.LDFLingoes Dictionary Source File
.LISTAPT List File
.LPDLPD Daemon Print Permissions File
.LTXLaTeX Document
.MANUnix Manual
.MDMarkdown Documentation File
.MDOWNMarkdown File
.TLDTag Library Descriptor File
.VIMVim Settings File
.VIMRCVim Runtime Configuration File
.YAMLYAML Document
Updated 4/29/2014