.LTX File Extension
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Properties File
Developer | GSC Game World |
Popularity |
4.2 | 71 Votes |
What is an LTX file?
Settings file used by S.T.A.L.K.E.R., a first-person shooter game; contains parameters for game engine properties such as the physics model settings, graphics, and weapon characteristics; stored in a plain text format and sometimes "modded" to customize gameplay.
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Players can also adjust game engine settings in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in-game console (press tilde "~" to activate it). These adjustments are saved to the User.ltx file, which is located in the game installation . However, it is recommended to backup the existing User.ltx file before making changes.
The User.ltx file is located in the following directories ("SHOC" stands for Shadow of Chernobyl and you should replace "SHOC" with "COP" for Call of Pripyat):
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\STALKER-SHOC\
Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\Public\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\
Programs that open or reference LTX files
LaTeX Document
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.9 | 19 Votes |
An LTX file may also be a text document created by a LaTeX program, such as MiKTeX or TeXworks. It contains LaTeX typesetting markup tags and properties that define the document structure and content. LTX files typically include the actual document text but may also reference the text from other files.
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LaTeX is a typesetting system commonly utilized in academia to prepare scientific papers and journal articles with content that is formatted separately before it is published. Since the visual formatting is handled by a LaTeX processing system, a LaTeX document may look different depending on which LaTeX application is used to display the file.
LTX files differ from word processor documents, such as .DOCX or .ODT files, which contain inline text formatting. Instead, LaTeX documents store plain text with tags and other LaTeX syntax that define the structure of the document.
NOTE: LTX files are more commonly saved as .TEX files.
How to open an LTX file
You can open LTX files with various LaTeX applications, such as MiKTeX (multiplatform), TeXworks (multiplatform), Texmaker (multiplatform), and LyxMac (macOS).
Since LTX files are saved in plain text, you can open and edit the files with a plain text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad (bundled with Windows) or Apple TextEdit (bundled with macOS). However, these text editors do not provide helpful LaTeX syntax highlighting features provided by LaTeX applications.