
Version0.6.6(as of 3/30/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.4  |  34 Votes

Main Features

  • GUI for the TeX typesetting system
  • Simple, familiar interface based on common applications
  • Integrated PDF viewer for previewing project output
  • Source/preview synching to quickly find the location in the source code from the PDF preview

Software Overview

Screenshot of TeXworks 0.6.6
Screenshot of TeXworks 0.6.6

TeXworks is an open-source application created as a GUI for TeX, a typesetting system that is the standard for creating technical publications. Without an installed user interface, TeX must be accessed through a command-line interface. TeXworks requires an installation of TeX to run.

The graphical user interface provided by TeXworks simplifies the process of creating TeX documents. Its design is based on other open-source, cross-platform tools to provide a familiar user experience. TeXworks provides an integrated PDF viewer to easily view your project's output with source/preview synchronization. With source/preview synchronization, you can control-click on a point in your PDF preview and see where it is located in your source.

TeXworks makes working with TeX more accessible than using a command prompt. If you are looking for a free and easy way to create TeX documents, TeXworks is a good choice. If you want more features like project management, you may want to look elsewhere.

Primary File Type

tex icon.TEXLaTeX Source Document

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.TEXLaTeX Source Document
.BBLBibTeX Generated Bibliography File
.CLSLaTeX Document Class File
.DTXDocumented LaTeX File
.LTXLaTeX Document
.STYLaTeX Style
.TFMTeX Font Metric File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.AUXLaTeX Auxiliary File
.BLGBibTeX Log File
.BSTBibTeX Style Document
.DFULaTeX Font Encoding File
.ETXTeX Font Encoding File
.INSLaTeX Installer Script
.LATEXLaTeX Document
Updated 3/30/2021