Productivity Software Software Program Rating KeyCreator (Kubotek)4.8 WordPad (Microsoft)4.5 Notepad (Microsoft)4.4 Office (Microsoft)4.4 Hot Potatoes (Half-Baked)4.2 Word (Microsoft)4.2 PowerPoint (Microsoft)4.1 Excel (Microsoft)4.0 MindManager (Corel)4.0 Access (Microsoft)4.0 SQL Server (Microsoft)4.0 ISE Design Suite (Xilinx)3.9 Notepad Plus Plus3.9 Comic Life (plasq)3.8 gedit3.8 TurboPDF (IMSI)3.7 Outlook (Microsoft)3.7 Word for iOS (Microsoft)3.7 ConceptDraw DIAGRAM (CS Odessa)3.6 Word for Android (Microsoft)3.6 PowerPoint for Android (Microsoft)3.6 EditPlus (ES-Computing)3.6 AbiWord (AbiSource)3.5 Texmaker3.5 iMindMap (ThinkBuzan)3.5 Snagit (TechSmith)3.5 gVim3.5 Acrobat (Adobe)3.5 OfficeSuite Pro (MobiSystems)3.5 KiCad3.5 Reader (Adobe)3.4 dBASE (dBase)3.4 Slides (Google)3.4 gretl3.4 Fritzing3.4 Dynamics AX (Microsoft)3.4 Cool Reader3.4 TeXworks (Jonathan Kew)3.4 Atom (GitHub)3.4 Numbers (Apple)3.3 MindView for Windows (MatchWare)3.3 EndNote (Thomson Reuters)3.3 Quicken Mac (Intuit)3.3 Excel for iOS (Microsoft)3.3 PowerPoint for iOS (Microsoft)3.3 Excel for Android (Microsoft)3.3 TurboFloorPlan 3D Home and Landscape Pro for Mac (IMSI)3.3 LyXMac3.3 Pages (Apple)3.2 Mail (Apple)3.2 iMindQ (Seavus)3.2 Thunderbird (Mozilla)3.2 Scribus3.2 HotDocs3.2 gEDA3.2 OmniPage Pro X (Nuance)3.1 Polaris Office for Android (Infraware)3.1 OpenOffice (Apache)3.1 Docs (Google)3.1 Keynote (Apple)3.0 Works (Microsoft)3.0 Act (Swiftpage)3.0 GoodReader for iOS (GoodiWare)3.0 UltraEdit (IDM)3.0 WPS Office for Android (Kingsoft)3.0 Sheets (Google)3.0 TurboTax (Intuit)2.9 Quicken (Intuit)2.9 EAGLE (Autodesk)2.9 MacGourmet Deluxe (Mariner Software)2.9 yEd Graph Editor (yWorks)2.9 Exchange Server (Microsoft)2.9 Office (SoftMaker)2.9 Total 3D Home Design Deluxe (Individual Software)2.8 Office (Ability)2.8 Mathematica (Wolfram Research)2.8 WordPerfect (Corel)2.8 Pages for iOS (Apple)2.8 Calligra Suite2.8 TextEdit (Apple)2.8 ConceptDraw MINDMAP (CS Odessa)2.8 Gnumeric2.7 Skype (Microsoft)2.7 AppleWorks (Apple)2.7 Easy Cut Studio (Craft Edge)2.6 Digital Editions (Adobe)2.6 MetaTrader (MetaQuotes Software)2.6 Drive (Google)2.6 Polaris Office for iOS (Infraware)2.5 Language Learning (Rosetta Stone)2.5 TextExpander (Smile)2.5 LibreOffice2.5 XMind2.5 FileMaker Pro (FileMaker)2.5 Sublime Text (Sublime HQ)2.5 MiKTeX2.4 Quattro Pro (Corel)2.4 FrameMaker (Adobe)2.4 iAd Producer (Apple)2.4 Final Draft2.4 MindView for Mac (MatchWare)2.3 WPS Office (Kingsoft)2.3 PaperPort (Nuance)2.2 Tax Software (HR Block Canada)2.2 Presentations (Corel)2.2 OmniPage (Kofax)2.1 Canada TurboTax (Intuit)2.1 QuickBooks for Windows (Intuit)2.1 Office HD TextMaker BASIC (SoftMaker)2.0 Photostory Deluxe (MAGIX)2.0 PolyTrans (Okino Computer Graphics)2.0 Pico2.0 TurboFloorPlan 3D Home and Landscape Pro for Windows (IMSI)2.0 Tax Software (HR Block)2.0 Nitro Pro (Nitro Software)1.9 PrintMaster (Broderbund)1.9 Bridge (Adobe)1.8 TaxAct1.8 Office HD Presentations BASIC (SoftMaker)1.8 At Home (HR Block)1.7 InCopy (Adobe)1.7 The Print Shop (Broderbund)1.6 Edificius (ACCA)1.6 QuickBooks for Mac (Intuit)1.6 Office HD PlanMaker BASIC (SoftMaker)1.6 TeamViewer for Windows (TeamViewer)1.5 TeamViewer for Remote Control (TeamViewer)1.5 NeoOffice (Planamesa)1.4 TeamViewer for Mac (TeamViewer)1.3