
Version11(as of 11/20/2014)
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Rating:3.2  |  11 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports Word, WordPerfect, and PDF files
  • Generates templates that automate and improve the document-creation process
  • Allows you to insert simple or complex, computed variables
  • Comes with a variety of pre-packaged functions

Software Overview

HotDocs is a suite of tools used to automate the generation of professional documents. It is designed to improve efficiency, increase accuracy, and reduce risk when preparing documents, such as trusts, wills, loans, and contracts.

The suite includes development tools, logic core, and user-layer technologies for creating, handling, and deploying documents. HotDocs works inside the Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect word processors and transforms your word processor or PDF file into a HotDocs template. These templates present a sequence of data-gathering forms called Interviews, which are used to gather necessary information for generation of custom, transaction-ready documents. The HotDocs is compatible with a variety of platforms, including your desktop, server environment, HotDocs cloud or embedded into webpages or your own custom workflows.

HotDocs is a great set of tools for legal, insurance, banking, and government environments. The suite is used by small law firms, Fortune 50 banks, and insurance companies. It allows users to create templates from familiar Word, WordPerfect, and PDF files to automate the document-creation process. If you work in any of the aforementioned fields, HotDocs will prove to be a valuable asset.

Primary File Type

hft icon.HFTHotDocs Form Template

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.HFTHotDocs Form Template
.ANSHotDocs Binary Answer File
.ANXHotDocs Answer File
.CMPHotDocs Clause Component File
.HALHotDocs Answer Library
.HCLHotDocs Clause Archive
.HDAHotDocs Auto-Assemble File
.HDIHotDocs Auto-Install File
.HDKHotDocs Registration File
.HDPMXHotDocs Publisher Mapping XML File
.HDUMXHotDocs User Mapping XML File
.HFDHotDocs Form Document
.HPDHotDocs PDF Document
.HPTHotDocs PDF Template
.HVCHotDocs Variable Collection File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DOCMicrosoft Word Document (Legacy)
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.WP5WordPerfect 5 Document
.WP6WordPerfect 6 Document
.WP7WordPerfect 7 Document
.WPDWordPerfect Document
Updated 11/20/2014