Version21(as of 3/30/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:2.4  |  31 Votes

Main Features

  • TeXworks allows you to edit LaTeX source files
  • Yap enables you to view TeX output
  • MiKTeX package manager assists you in downloading LaTeX packages

Software Overview

Screenshot of MiKTeX 21.3
Screenshot of MiKTeX 21.3

MiKTeX is an open-source implementation of TeX/LaTeX commonly used for typesetting articles, books, and other technical publications. It is cross-platform and can also be run as a portable edition that you can bring with you on a storage device wherever you go.

MiKTeX provides tools that allow you to create technical publications using the TeX/LaTeX markup language. The bundle comes with TeXworks, which is used to edit LaTeX source files, and Yap, a TeX output viewer that optimizes the edit, compile, and view cycle. Also, MiKTeX features a package manager to assist you in downloading LaTeX plugins.

There are a variety of TeX distributions available, such as XEmTeX, proTeXt, and W32TeX. But MiKTeX has proven to be one of the best TeX distribution options, as many scientists, electrical engineers, and physicists have attested. MiKTeX is a good choice for typesetting your technical publications in Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Primary File Type

tex icon.TEXLaTeX Source Document

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.TEXLaTeX Source Document
.AUXLaTeX Auxiliary File
.BBLBibTeX Generated Bibliography File
.BIBBibTeX Bibliography Database
.BIGElectronic Arts Game Data File
.CLSLaTeX Document Class File
.DFULaTeX Font Encoding File
.DTXDocumented LaTeX File
.DVIDevice Independent Format File
.ETXTeX Font Encoding File
.INSLaTeX Installer Script
.LTXLaTeX Document
.STYLaTeX Style
.TFMTeX Font Metric File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.LATEXLaTeX Document
Updated 3/30/2021