
Version3(as of 10/6/2015)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:1.7  |  14 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports various audio formats such as MOD, STM, and AMF
  • Play audio files from archive formats including Zip and RAR
  • Customize the colors and theme of the interface

Software Overview

MikMod is a module player and library for Windows, OS X, and Linux. It was originally developed as a player for MS-DOS but has been ported to other platforms through the effort of authors like Jean-Paul Mikkers, Frank Loemker, and Jake Stine.

The program supports a large variety of module formats, such as MOD, STM, XM, AMF, FAR, S3M, and IT. MikMod can play audio files in archive formats as well, such as Zip, RAR, and BZ2. Some other features of the application include support for playlists and an interface with customizable colors and themes.

MikMod is a player and library that provides support for a large variety of module formats. However, it doesn't provide much beyond that. So if you just need an application that can play the supported formats, MikMod is a good option, but look elsewhere for anything more than that.

Primary File Type

mod icon.MODMusic Module File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MODMusic Module File
.669UNIS Composer 669 Module
.AMFAdvanced Module File
.DSMDigital Sound Module
.FARFarandole Composer Module
.IMFId Music File
.ITImpulse Tracker Module
.MEDAmiga MED Sound File
.MTMMultiTracker Module
.OKTOktalyzer Module
.S3MScreamTracker 3 Module
.STMScream Tracker 2 Module
.STXScream Tracker Music Interface Kit File
.ULTUltraTracker Module
.UNIMikMod UniMOD Module
.XMFasttracker 2 Extended Module
Updated 10/6/2015