Microsoft XML Notepad

Version2007(as of 8/31/2015)
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:2.8  |  28 Votes

Main Features

  • HTML viewer of XSLT transformation results
  • Endless undo and redo edit operations
  • Incremental search in tree and text views
  • Configurable colors and fonts

Software Overview

Microsoft XML Notepad is an open source application that enables users to browse and edit XML documents. It is available as a free download for Windows only.

XML Notepad features a simple interface along with a variety of helpful features. The program provides a tree view that breaks an XML document into classes, tags, and key values. It also comes with an HTML viewer for displaying XSLT transformation results. Some other capabilities include drag and drop support, configurable fonts and colors, instant XML schema validation, and endless undo and redo edit operations.

XML Notepad is used by beginner and expert XML programmers. It provides advanced capabilities with a simple interface that won't overwhelm beginners. There are XML editors out there that provide more features, such as Liquid XML Studio, Stylus Studio, and EditiX XML Editor, but Microsoft XML Notepad is still a very capable program for browsing and editing XML documents.

Primary File Type

xml icon.XMLXML File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ATHAlienware AlienFX Theme File
.CAMPWCS Color Appearance Model Profile File
.COMPOSITEFONTWindows Composite Font File
.CPRWindows Phone Display Settings File
.DXLDomino XML Language File
.PPPocket Physics Sketch File
.TLDTag Library Descriptor File
.XQLXML Query Language File
.XQUERYXQuery Source Code File
.XQYXQuery Source File
.XSDXML Schema Definition
Updated 8/31/2015