Microsoft Word

Version365(as of 2/12/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac
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Rating:4.2  |  305 Votes

Main Features

  • Support for DOCX and DOC formats, and various other document types
  • Customized application workspace toolbar layouts
  • Document templating and custom page formatting
  • Real-time co-authoring in Word
  • Integrated graphics drawing and image manipulation
  • Mail merge document generation and database integration
  • Advanced macro scripting support

Software Overview

Screenshot of Microsoft Word 365
Screenshot of Microsoft Word 365

Microsoft Word is an industry-standard word processing program included in the Microsoft Office suite along with Excel and PowerPoint. It is used for authoring documents for personal and business use, such as letters, resumes, invitations, brochures, newsletters, and posters.

Word includes basic page and text formatting capabilities and offers several advanced features, such as mail merge, change tracking, document merging, and macro scripting. The word processor saves documents in the Office Open XML .DOCX format, by default. The program may also save documents in the proprietary .DOC format, which was commonly used by earlier versions of Word. The application also provides support for embedded online pictures and videos, enabling rich content within documents.

The Word user interface streamlines the process of creating new documents from document templates. The word processor includes thousands of downloadable online document templates, which serve as a starting point for creating new documents. Templates are available for several types of documents, including business forms, labels, envelopes, menus, newsletters, planners, and home and educational documents. Custom templates (which are saved .DOT and .DOTX files) can also be created for company letterheads and other types of documents that require a consistent look and feel.

Once you select a template (or blank document), you have a myriad of ribbon-style toolbars and other options available for authoring and styling documents. Word provides collaborative editing and review tools for teams. Collaborators can edit the same document in real-time or add comments. The word processor also keeps a history of changes, which is useful when multiple users are working on a single document. Also, the commenting and reply system allows teams to have short discussions of document content.

If you have ever created a document in school or at work, you most likely have used Microsoft Word. It is an industry-standard word processor for creating book reports, academic publications, business documents, recipes, and more. Its support of popular formats and wide usage make Microsoft Word the best choice for all of your word processing needs.

Primary File Type

docx icon.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document
.BMPBitmap Image
.CRTXOffice 2007 Chart Template File
.DOCMicrosoft Word Document (Legacy)
.DOCHTMLMicrosoft Word HTML Document
.DOCMMicrosoft Word Macro-enabled Document
.DOCMHTMLMicrosoft Word MIME HTML Document
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document
.DOTMicrosoft Word Document Template (Legacy)
.DOTHTMLMicrosoft Word HTML Document Template
.DOTMMicrosoft Word Macro-Enabled Document Template
.DOTXMicrosoft Word Template
.EFTXOffice 2007 Theme Effect File
.EMFEnhanced Windows Metafile
.GIFGraphical Interchange Format File
.ODTOpenDocument Text Document
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.PICTPicture File
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.PSWPocket Word Document
.PWIPocket Word Document
.RTFRich Text Format File
.TXTPlain Text File
.WBKMicrosoft Word Document Backup File
.WIZMicrosoft Wizard File
.WLLMicrosoft Word Add-in File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ASDMicrosoft Word AutoSave File
.AWAnswer Wizard File
.BPSWorks Document Backup
.CDRCorelDRAW File
.CGMComputer Graphics Metafile
.CSVComma-Separated Values File
.DDFDiamond Directive File
.DIBDevice-Independent Bitmap Image
.DICDictionary File
.DICPROOFMicrosoft Dictionary Proofing File
.DXFDrawing Exchange Format File
.EXDControl Information Cache File
.FPXFlashPix Bitmap Image File
.GLYMicrosoft Word Glossary File
.GRAMicrosoft Graph File
.HTMHypertext Markup Language File
.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File
.HTXHTML Extension File
.INIWindows Initialization File
.ISSInno Setup Script
.MEReadme Text File
.MHTMHTML Web Archive
.OLBOLE Object Library
.OLKOutlook Address Book File
.OTMOutlook Macro File
.OUTOutput File
.PABPersonal Address Book
.PCDKodak Photo CD Image
.PCTPicture File
.PCXPaintbrush Bitmap Image File
.PWDSolid Edge Weldment Document
.PWTPocket Word Template
.RELSOpen Office XML Relationships File
.RLERun Length Encoded Bitmap
.SAMAmi Pro Document
.SBVYouTube Captions File
.SHSMicrosoft Scrap File
.THMXOffice 2007 Theme
.TIFTagged Image File
.TIFFTagged Image File Format
.TMPTemporary File
.VMLVector Markup Language File
.VSSVisio Stencil File
.WMFWindows Metafile
.WPCWordPad Converter File
.WPDWordPerfect Document
.WPFWordPerfect Form
.WPTWorks Template
.WRIMicrosoft Write Document
.XPSXML Paper Specification File
Updated 2/12/2021