Sublime Text

Version3(as of 12/9/2020)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:2.5  |  81 Votes

Main Features

  • Support for a variety of programming languages, such as HTML, Java, CSS, and Ruby
  • Customizable user interface
  • Split-editing of side-by-side files
  • Goto Anything feature lets you quickly jump to different files, lines, and symbols
  • Extensible through plugins that provide additional functionality

Software Overview

Screenshot of Sublime Text 3.2
Screenshot of Sublime Text 3.2

Sublime Text is a cross-platform text editor used primarily to edit source code. The program supports a variety of different programming languages, such as HTML, SQL, Java, CSS, and Perl. It also features a highly customizable layout, split-editing of side-by-side files, and the ability to instantly switch between projects without save prompts.

The application helps you code more effectively with the Goto Anything feature that lets you open different files, search within a file, go to a line number, or jump to a symbol with just a couple of keystrokes. And when you really need to focus, Sublime lets you go into Distraction Free Mode, which is a full-screen mode that shows only your text.

The text editor is also highly extensible. You can install plug-ins that provide additional functionality to the editor, whether they change the theme of the interface or support additional programming languages.


Sublime Text is a sharp-looking and lightweight source code editor that can be customized to fit your coding needs. It provides support for a multitude of programming languages and helpful editing features. If you edit source code, Sublime Text is one of your best options.

Primary File Type

file  icon.SUBLIME-PROJECTSublime Text Project File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.SUBLIME-PROJECTSublime Text Project File
.SUBLIME-BUILDSublime Text Build File
.SUBLIME-KEYMAPSublime Text Keymap File
.SUBLIME-MENUSublime Text Menu File
.SUBLIME-OPTIONSSublime Text Options File
.SUBLIME-PACKAGESublime Text Package File
.SUBLIME-SESSIONSublime Text Session File
.SUBLIME-SETTINGSSublime Text Settings File
.SUBLIME-SNIPPETSublime Text Snippet File
.SUBLIME-THEMESublime Text Theme File
.SUBLIME-WORKSPACESublime Text Workspace File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.CC/C++ Source Code File
.COFFEECoffeeScript JavaScript File
.CSSCascading Style Sheet
.GOGo Source Code File
.GROOVYGroovy Source Code File
.GVYGroovy Source Code File
.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File
.JSJavaScript File
.LUALua Source Code
.PHPPHP Source Code File
.PYPython Script
.RBRuby Source Code
.TMTHEMETextMate Theme File
.YAMLYAML Document
Updated 12/9/2020