.PY File Extension

Python Script

Developer Python Software Foundation
4.2  |  433 Votes
NEW: Open your .PY file online with File Helper.View Online

What is a PY file?

A PY file is a program file or script written in Python, an interpreted object-oriented programming language. It can be created and edited with a text editor, but requires a Python interpreter to run. PY files are often used to program web servers and other administrative computer systems.

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Screenshot of a .py file in Sublime Text 3
PY file open in Sublime Text 3

Python is designed to be easy to read and simple to implement. It is open-source and used to develop a wide variety of free and commercial applications, such as Bazaar, Blender, Pylons, and Panda3D.

NOTE: Guido van Rossum created the original Python language in the late 1980s. Subsequent versions released in 2000 (Python 2.0) and 2008 (Python 3.0).

How to open a PY file

You can open and edit PY scripts with any text or source code editor. Source code editors provide helpful syntax-highlighting and code-editing tools that make it easier to review and edit Python scripts.

Some example source code editors include Microsoft Visual Studio Code (cross-platform), MacroMates TextMate (Windows), and Sublime Text (cross-platform). Developers who code primarily in Python may want to open their PY files in JetBrains PyCharm, which is a Python IDE for professional developers.

Programs that open PY files

Verified by FileInfo.com

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