MacroMates TextMate

Version2(as of 11/18/2021)
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:2.7  |  95 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports all major programming languages
  • Allows editor extensions through Bundles
  • Can record macros to help automate tedious work
  • Includes features such as source code folding and global project find and replace

Software Overview

Screenshot of MacroMates TextMate 2
Screenshot of MacroMates TextMate 2

MacroMates TextMate is a robust text editor that enables various tasks, such as source code editing, writing screenplays, running SQL queries, and creating blog entries. The program supports all major programming languages and runs on the Mac platform. As of version 2, MacroMates has made the TextMate source code available to developers who want to make custom modifications to the editor.

TextMate allows you to use commands, macros, templates, and snippets to help organize and create source code. TextMate offers a "find and replace" feature that quickly finds and replaces text with several filter options. The text editor features the ability to highlight and edit multiple blocks of code by using additional cursors. TextMate also offers clever completion, which predicts what you are going to type to help you code more quickly.

TextMate allows you to extend the editor with Bundles, which are similar to plugins. You can create custom bundles tailored to your development needs or import other users' custom bundles. Examples of bundles include language grammars, macros, code snippets, commands, templates, and other shortcuts. In addition, each Bundle offers hotkeys you can trigger to quickly insert into your code, which helps you develop source code more efficiently.


MacroMates TextMate is a valuable tool for any developer. It supports all major programming languages, key code shortcuts, and Bundles for extending the editor. Any Mac designer or developer working in code should give this editor a shot.

Primary File Type

html icon.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File
.ADBAda Body File
.ASActionScript File
.ASMAssembly Language Source Code File
.BASH_PROFILEBash Interactive Login Shell File
.BASHRCBash Non-Interactive Login Shell File
.BIBBibTeX Bibliography Database
.BSHBeanShell Script
.CC/C++ Source Code File
.CFGConfiguration File
.CFGWesnoth Markup Language File
.CGICommon Gateway Interface Script
.CONFUnix Configuration File
.CONFIGConfiguration File
.CPPC++ Source Code File
.DD Source Code File
.DBMColdFusion Server File
.DTDDocument Type Definition File
.ERLErlang Source Code File
.FFortran Source Code
.GOGo Source Code File
.GROOVYGroovy Source Code File
.HC/C++/Objective-C Header File
.HHC++ Header File
.HSHaskell Script
.INCInclude File
.JAVAJava Source Code File
.JSJavaScript File
.LHSLiterate Haskell Script
.LISPLisp Source Code File
.LUALua Source Code
.MObjective-C Implementation File
.M4Macro Processor Library
.MARKDOWNMarkdown Documentation File
.MDMarkdown Documentation File
.MLML Source Code File
.PPascal Source Code
.PASPascal Source File
.PCHPrecompiled Header File
.PDEProcessing Development Environment Source Code File
.PHPPHP Source Code File
.PLPerl Script
.PMPerl Module
.PODPerl POD File
.PROFILEBash Shell Profile
.PROPERTIESJava Properties File
.PYPython Script
.RRez Source Code File
.RBRuby Source Code
.RBWRuby Script
.RHTMLRuby HTML Web Page
.RJSRuby Javascript File
.RSTreStructuredText File
.SSource Code File
.SCPTAppleScript Script File
.SQLStructured Query Language Data File
.SRCSource Code File
.STRINGSText Strings File
.STYLaTeX Style
.TCLTcl Script
.TLDTag Library Descriptor File
.TMBUNDLETextMate Bundle File
.TMLANGUAGETextMate Language Grammar File
.TMTHEMETextMate Theme File
.TSVTab-Separated Values File
.TXTPlain Text File
.XQXQuery File
.XQLXML Query Language File
.XQMXQuery Module
.XQUERYXQuery Source Code File
.XSLTExtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations File
.YMLYAML Document

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ADSAda Specification File
.ASAASP Configuration File
.ASCXASP.NET User Control File
.ASHXASP.NET Web Handler File
.CONFGeneric Configuration File
.DISTMac OS X Distribution Script
.DWTDreamweaver Webpage Template
.F90Fortran 90 Source Code File
.FORFortran Source Code File
.FPPFortran Source Code
.GVYGroovy Source Code File
.HPPC++ Header File
.HRLErlang Header File
.HTCHTML Component File
.HXXC++ Source Code Header File
.INFSetup Information File
.INFOGeneric Information File
.JSPJakarta Server Page
.LSPLisp Program Source Code File
.MARKDNMarkdown File
.MDMachine Description File
.MDOWNMarkdown File
.MKDMarkdown Documentation File
.NFOWarez Information File
.PHP3PHP 3 Web Page
.PHP4PHP 4 Web Page
.PHP5PHP 5 Web Page
.RPYPython Script
.SCRIPTTERMINOLOGYAppleScript Script Terminology File
.SLSTGame Data File
.TMPROJTextMate Project File
.TMPROJECTTextMate Project
.TPLPhorum Template
.XQYXQuery Source File
.XSLXML Stylesheet
.YAMLYAML Document
Updated 11/18/2021