.PROPERTIES File Extension
Minecraft Properties File
Developer | Mojang Specifications |
Popularity |
4.4 | 794 Votes |
What is a PROPERTIES file?
A PROPERTIES file is a settings file used by Minecraft, a sandbox block construction game. It stores configuration information for the game in the Java Properties key-value pair plain text format, which also has applications outside of Minecraft. In Minecraft, gamers may use PROPERTIES files when configuring a multiplayer server or a game mod.
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The most common Minecraft properties file is server.properties, which stores configuration data for a multiplayer server. It saves information such as the level name, monster spawning settings, the maximum allowed players, and the server port and IP address.
You will likely only encounter a PROPERTIES file in the context of Minecraft if you are looking to modify the configuration of a multiplayer server. Specifically, you can find the server.properties file in the same directory as the server.jar file you executed to run the server (the server generates it upon its first startup).
Common PROPERTIES Filenames
server.properties - Common file that stores all the settings for a Minecraft multiplayer server.
How to open a PROPERTIES file
You can open PROPERTIES files with any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad (Windows), Apple TextEdit (macOS), and gedit (Linux). You can also open the files with source code editors, including Microsoft Visual Studio Code (multiplatform), which provides helpful source code viewing and editing features.
Remember that incorrectly modifying the text, especially the "key" text (before the equal sign), in the PROPERTIES file may corrupt the file. Also, if you edit the server.properties file, you must restart the server or execute the /reload command for the server to apply the changes.
Programs that open or reference PROPERTIES files
Java Properties File
Developer | Sun Microsystems |
Popularity |
4.0 | 92 Votes |
More Information
Once PROPERTIES files have been loaded, the actual properties are persisted to the hard drive in a collection of nested files and folders that represent the hierarchy of key-value pairs. The files are saved to the $HOME/.properties/ directory by default.
You can access Java properties using the java.util.Properties API in your Java programs.