.LUA File Extension
Lua Source Code
Developer | PUC-Rio |
Popularity |
4.0 | 373 Votes |
What is a LUA file?
A LUA file contains source code written in Lua, a light-weight programming language designed for extending or adding functionality to software applications. The Lua scripting language syntax is simple but supports a large number of data types and operators.
More Information
The LUA scripting language can be parsed and run by a Lua interpreter. Developers may also compile LUA files into executable binary programs using an ANSI C compiler or embed Lua scripts into existing programs, which are then compiled.
Lua is used for various purposes, including scripting in applications or on the web, programming games, and adding extensions to databases. Some examples of real-world use of Lua include the customization of World of Warcraft and Dawn of War video games and the programming of the Adobe Lightroom app user interface. The scripting language was also used for game levels in the Angry Birds Mac program, which is now discontinued.
NOTE: "Lua" comes from the Portuguese word for moon.
How to open a LUA file
Software developers typically open and modify LUA files with source code editors, such as Microsoft Visual Studio Code and MacroMates TextMate.
Plain text editors, which include Microsoft Notepad and Apple TextEdit, may also be used to open and modify LUA files. However, source code editors are more helpful for viewing and editing LUA files since they come with advanced capabilities unavailable with plain text editors.