.RBW File Extension
Ruby Script
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
2.5 | 2 Votes |
Used by | Ruby |
What is an RBW file?
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NOTE: Using both ".rb" and ".rbw" extensions during development enables you to set different file associations for performing different default tasks. For example, you might assign the ".rb" extension to one Ruby interpreter while setting the ".rbw" extension association to another. Alternatively, you could set one for an interpreter while setting another to open in a text editor.
Programs that open or reference RBW files
Real Studio Window File
Developer | Xojo, Inc. |
Popularity |
2.5 | 2 Votes |
Open with | Xojo |
Window file created by Xojo, an IDE used to create applications; contains an exported window for a desktop application that can be shared between Xojo projects; includes information describing the window, such as maximum window size, background color, behavior, and buttons; replaced by the .XOJO_BINARY_WINDOW file extension.
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Before it was replaced, you could create a RBW file by clicking the window you wanted to export, selecting File → Export [window name]..., choosing the save location, naming the file, and clicking Save.
To import the RBW file, select File → Import, navigate to your file location, and click Import.
NOTE: REAL Software Real Studio became Xojo, Inc. Xojo in 2013.