
Version2015(as of 9/18/2015)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:2.4  |  16 Votes

Main Features

  • Cross platform IDE for desktop, web, and web-mobile applications.
  • WYSIWYG user interface
  • Create projects in three different formats
  • Highly compatible with Visual Basic
  • Cloud hosting provides a secure environment for testing web applications

Software Overview

Xojo is an IDE that enables users to create desktop, web, and web-mobile applications. The application is free to download and use but requires a license in order to deploy applications.

Xojo allows users to develop applications ranging from commercial software products to utilities for personal use. The program gives the user an option to create projects in three different formats: Xojo Project (text), Xojo Binary, and Xojo XML. Users must have a license to save their project in any of the three formats. If users are using the free version of Xojo, they can only save in the binary format. Once development of an application is complete, Xojo provides a quick build feature that converts the project into a standalone executable.

Xojo provides a WYSIWYG environment that makes developing quicker, such as drag-and-drop capability of different controls to create the UI. The application lets users build applications from one set of source code, which allows your application to appear and behave the way you designed it, regardless of the platform. Xojo is highly compatible with Visual Basic, it allows users to quickly convert Visual Basic projects to Xojo formatted projects. Xojo Cloud is also available as cloud hosting service for user’s Xojo web applications. The cloud provides a secure environment for developing and testing any web applications.

Xojo is a helpful tool, especially for beginning programmers, for developing desktop, web, and web-mobile applications. Some drawbacks include the lack of advanced development features and primary focus on OS X users, leaving Windows and Linux users wanting more. If you are a novice programmer working in OS X, Xojo may be a great fit for you, otherwise, look for a different IDE.

Primary File Type

xojo_project icon.XOJO_PROJECTXojo Project File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.XOJO_PROJECTXojo Project File
.RBReal Studio Project
.RBMReal Studio Menu File
.RBPReal Studio Project File
.RBVCPReal Studio Version Controlled Project
.RBWRuby Script
.XOJO_BINARY_MENUXojo Binary Menu File
.XOJO_BINARY_PROJECTXojo Binary Project File
.XOJO_BINARY_TOOLBARXojo Binary Toolbar File
.XOJO_BINARY_WINDOWXojo Binary Window File
.XOJO_MENUXojo Menu File
.XOJO_TOOLBARXojo Toolbar File
.XOJO_WINDOWXojo Window File
.XOJO_XML_TOOLBARXojo Toolbar File
Updated 9/18/2015