yWorks yEd Graph Editor

Version3(as of 4/27/2016)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:2.9  |  17 Votes

Main Features

  • Manually or automatically create diagrams from complex data sets
  • Import data and export diagrams through a variety of file formats
  • Organize data using a variety of layouts, such as Hierarchical and Tree

Software Overview

yWorks yEd Graph Editor is a free, cross-platform application used to generate diagrams. The application lets you create diagrams manually or automatically by importing data.

The editor provides a variety of features to make diagram creation simple, without sacrificing power. The application can import data from several formats, including GraphML, Excel XLS, GEDCOM, and GML. When creating your graph, you can choose from a variety of elements to customize your diagram. You can use shape nodes, group nodes, UML elements for class diagrams, BPMN symbols for business process diagrams, and flowchart symbols.

The application can automatically arrange diagram elements for complex data sets or guide you through your manual design of the layout. Some available layouts include Hierarchical, Orthogonal, Organic, Tree, and Circular. As you work, the program allows you to save your diagram document in a file format with the .GRAPHML extension. When you are finished, you can export your diagram to multiple file formats, such as .PDF, .SWF, .SVG, .JPEG, and .PNG. Or, if you want to reach a broader audience, you can publish your content to the web for interactive viewing.

yEd Graph Editor offers a wide variety of features but remains easy-to-use. The application can import and export data using different file formats and can automatically create your diagram or let you manually customize your diagram. yWorks yEd Graph Editor is a solid choice to show off your data.

Primary File Type

graphml icon.GRAPHMLGraphML File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.GMLGraph Modeling Language File
.GRAPHMLZZip Compressed GraphML File
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.SVGScalable Vector Graphic
.TGFTrivial Graph Format File
.XGMLGraph Modeling Language XML File
.XLSMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet (Legacy)
.YGFY Graph Format File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.EMFEnhanced Windows Metafile
.EPSEncapsulated PostScript File
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.SWFShockwave Flash Movie
Updated 4/27/2016