.ASM File Extension

Assembly Language Source Code File

Developer N/A
4.0  |  57 Votes
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NEW: Open your .ASM file online with File Helper.View Online

What is an ASM file?

Program written in assembly language, a low level programming language that can be converted to machine language; may be edited with a text editor and run using an assembler program, such as HLA, MASM, FASM, NASM, or GAS.

Programs that open ASM files


Visual Studio Assembler Source Code File

Developer Microsoft
3.4  |  20 Votes
Used by

Assembly source code file created by Microsoft Visual Studio, a Windows software development program; contains low-level source code that can be translated directly into machine code; typically used only for optimizing small segments of application code.

More Information

Since assembly code is typically more difficult to write than C or C++ code, ASM files are often combined with C or C++ files that handle the majority of the application logic.

Programs that open or reference ASM files

Pro/ENGINEER Assembly File

Developer Parametric Technology
3.3  |  8 Votes
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Assembly file created by Pro/ENGINEER, a program used for designing three-dimensional products; contains one or more design parts (.PRT files) and their assembly specifications; used to combine parts together into an assembled component.

Programs that open ASM files

Solid Edge Assembly File

Developer Siemens
3.0  |  4 Votes
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Assembly file created by Solid Edge, a CAD program used to create product designs; contains an assembly design, which may include one or more parts; used to store design data for simulating manufacturing assembly processes.

Programs that open ASM files


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