CAD Files
CAD (Computer-Aided Design) files may contain 2D or 3D designs. They are generated by CAD software programs, which can be used to create models or architecture plans. 2D CAD files are often referred to as drawings, while 3D files are often called models, parts, or assemblies.
Common CAD file extensions include .DWG, .DXF, .DGN, and .STL.
Extension | File Type | Popularity |
.BAK | AutoCAD Drawing Backup | 4.7 |
.G | FlashForge G-Code File | 4.5 |
.CIR | Micro-Cap Schematic | 4.5 |
.AXM | FormIt Sketch | 4.5 |
.BDC | West Point Bridge Designer Design File | 4.4 |
.CIRCUIT | KTechlab Circuit Design File | 4.4 |
.PSM | Solid Edge Sheet Metal File | 4.4 |
.IBA | Lectra Clothing Design Pieces File | 4.4 |
.SIM | SimLab Composer Scene | 4.3 |
.DLV | CATIA 4 Export File | 4.3 |
.SMB | Autodesk Shape Manager Binary File | 4.3 |
.EPF | EAGLE Project | 4.3 |
.CPA | CADSTAR PCB Archive File | 4.3 |
.DSNX | RoadEng Location Design Document | 4.3 |
.AFS | Project File | 4.3 |
.MCX | MICRO CADAM-X/6000 Model Data File | 4.3 |
.PLUSH | Plushify Project | 4.3 |
.OPT | Opterecenja File | 4.3 |
.MP12 | Multisim 12 Project | 4.3 |
.FCSTD1 | FreeCAD Backup Document | 4.3 |
.TCT | TurboCAD Drawing Template | 4.3 |
.MSM | Multisim Circuit Design File | 4.2 |
.DB1 | Tekla Structures Model File | 4.2 |
.FPC | FreePCB Printed Circuit Board Layout | 4.2 |
.EDF | Edificius Project | 4.2 |
.JVSG | Video Surveillance Project | 4.2 |
.MC9 | Mastercam 9 Geometry File | 4.2 |
.PSV | Pipe System Viewer File | 4.2 |
.RTD | Robot Structural Analysis Design File | 4.2 |
.LCF | Archicad Library Container File | 4.2 |
.TERX | RoadEng Terrain Design Document | 4.1 |
.CAD | BobCAD-CAM File | 4.1 |
.MS14 | Multisim 14 Circuit Design File | 4.1 |
.CATPRODUCT | CATIA V5 Assembly File | 4.1 |
.JOB | MetaCAM Nest Job File | 4.1 |
.MODEL | CATIA 3D Model | 4.0 |
.GCODE | G-code 3D Printer File | 4.0 |
.RSG | RaySupreme Graph | 4.0 |
.JT | JT Open CAD File | 4.0 |
.GSM | Graphic Description Language File | 4.0 |
.LI3D | Live Interior 3D Document | 4.0 |
.IDE | Inventor iFeature | 4.0 |
.LOGICLY | Logicly Circuit | 4.0 |
.PC7 | PowerCADD 7 Drawing File | 4.0 |
.CTB | Chitubox Sliced 3D Model | 4.0 |
.CIB | Luminaire Data File | 4.0 |
.VET | Lectra Cutter's Must File | 4.0 |
.AFD | Alphacam Flame Drawing | 4.0 |
.NC | DSTV Numerical Control File | 4.0 |
.CBDDLP | Chitubox Sliced 3D Model | 4.0 |
.MTO | FastCAM MTO Text File | 4.0 |
.XV3 | Lattice XVL Geometry File | 4.0 |
.DC3 | DesignCAD 3D ASCII Drawing | 4.0 |
.ASY | LTspice Symbol File | 4.0 |
.DWT | AutoCAD Drawing Template | 4.0 |
.CYP | Home Design Project | 4.0 |
.ADI | AutoCAD Device-Independent Binary Plotter File | 4.0 |
.FZP | Fritzing XML Part Description | 4.0 |
.3DL | Sierra LandDesigner 3D File | 4.0 |
.CAD | Autodesk QuickCAD File | 4.0 |
.PAT | AutoCAD Hatch Pattern File | 4.0 |
.123DX | 123D Design Model File | 3.9 |
.ICD | IronCAD 2D Drawing File | 3.9 |
.DES | Pro/DESKTOP CAD File | 3.9 |
.FZB | Fritzing Bin File | 3.9 |
.SAT | ACIS SAT 3D Model | 3.9 |
.PSS | AutoCAD Plot Stamp Settings File | 3.9 |
.SKF | AutoSketch Drawing | 3.9 |
.MS13 | Multisim 13 Circuit Design File | 3.9 |
.DST | AutoCAD Sheet Set | 3.8 |
.GDS | Graphic Data System File | 3.8 |
.SCH | gEDA Schematic File | 3.8 |
.JVSGZ | Compressed Video Surveillance Project | 3.8 |
.MHS | Xilinx XPS Hardware Specification File | 3.8 |
.PWT | AutoCAD Publish To Web Template | 3.8 |
.EDN | EDIF Implementation Netlist File | 3.8 |
.SPT | SpeedTree Tree Data File | 3.8 |
.FCW | FastCAD Windows Drawing | 3.8 |
.SLDPRT | SolidWorks Part | 3.8 |
.BLK | AutoCAD Block Template File | 3.8 |
.STL | Stereolithography File | 3.8 |
.PHJ | PhCNC Project File | 3.8 |
.SCAD | OpenSCAD Script | 3.8 |
.BCD | RealView Debugger Board Chip Definition File | 3.8 |
.DRU | EAGLE Design Rules | 3.8 |
.NWF | Navisworks File Set | 3.8 |
.DC2 | DesignCAD 2D ASCII Drawing | 3.8 |
.LDR | LDraw Model File | 3.8 |
.CF2 | Common File Format File | 3.8 |
.DWFX | Design Web Format XPS File | 3.7 |
.PLN | Archicad Solo Project | 3.7 |
.NC | Mastercam Numerical Control File | 3.7 |
.IGS | IGES Drawing | 3.7 |
.123D | Autodesk 123D Drawing | 3.7 |
.BDL | CoCreate Bundle File | 3.7 |
.LIN | AutoCAD Linetype File | 3.7 |
.DSN | OrCAD Design File | 3.7 |
.BBCD | BobCAD-CAM Document | 3.7 |
.MP11 | Multisim 11 Project File | 3.7 |
.MIN | Okuma CNC Program File | 3.7 |
.MP10 | Multisim 10 Project File | 3.7 |
.SLDASM | SolidWorks Assembly | 3.7 |
.ISO | Arbortext IsoDraw Document | 3.7 |
.IDV | Inventor Design View | 3.7 |
.PLA | Archicad Project Archive | 3.7 |
.XNC | Exchange NC File | 3.7 |
.TC2 | TurboCAD 2D Mac Drawing | 3.7 |
.DC1 | DevCad Document | 3.7 |
.DWS | AutoCAD Drawing Standards File | 3.7 |
.ISOZ | Compressed Arbortext IsoDraw Illustration | 3.7 |
.FZBZ | Fritzing Bundled Bin File | 3.7 |
.MDE | Archicad Education Module | 3.7 |
.STP | STEP 3D CAD File | 3.7 |
.IAM | Inventor Assembly | 3.6 |
.CDW | KOMPAS Document | 3.6 |
.SHX | AutoCAD Compiled Shape File | 3.6 |
.DGN | MicroStation Design | 3.6 |
.X_B | Parasolid Model Part File | 3.6 |
.BMF | FloorPlan File | 3.6 |
.FZ | Fritzing Project File | 3.6 |
.RIG | vRigger Design File | 3.6 |
.RSM | RouterSim Network Visualizer File | 3.6 |
.VWX | Vectorworks Design | 3.6 |
.FMZ | Form•Z Project File | 3.6 |
.PLP | Archicad Teamwork Project | 3.6 |
.FZZ | Fritzing Shareable Project File | 3.6 |
.CZD | CAD Zone Drawing | 3.6 |
.IF | Procedimientos-Uno IFWin Project File | 3.6 |
.SVD | SolidView Design File | 3.6 |
.PRT | CADKEY Part File | 3.6 |
.ASC | LTspice Circuit Schematic File | 3.6 |
.FCSTD | FreeCAD Document | 3.6 |
.PRT | Creo Parametric Part | 3.5 |
.ART | ArtCAM Model | 3.5 |
.DWG | AutoCAD Drawing | 3.5 |
.CATPART | CATIA V5 Part File | 3.5 |
.HSF | HOOPS Stream Format File | 3.5 |
.LIBPKG | Altium Designer Integrated Library Package | 3.5 |
.123 | PCB123 Circuit Board Design | 3.5 |
.CYP | Home Designer Pro Project File | 3.5 |
.SAB | ACIS SAB Model | 3.5 |
.EZD | EzCad2 Laser Engraving Design | 3.5 |
.ACT | Alma CAD/CAM Document | 3.5 |
.HSC | Aspen HYSYS Simulation File | 3.5 |
.GXC | General CADD Pro Component | 3.5 |
.DFX | Drafix CAD File | 3.5 |
.MODFEM | Femap Model | 3.5 |
.ANY | AnyRail Layout Plan | 3.5 |
.PRJPCBSTRUCTURE | Altium Designer PCB Project Structure | 3.5 |
.LTL | Luminaire Data File | 3.5 |
.GX | FlashForge 3D Printing File | 3.5 |
.UNT | AutoCAD Unit Definition File | 3.5 |
.GXM | General CADD Pro Macro File | 3.5 |
.CAM | FastCAM CAM File | 3.5 |
.TSF | Strater Template File | 3.5 |
.DXF | Drawing Exchange Format File | 3.5 |
.STEP | STEP 3D Model | 3.5 |
.MCD | MiniCAD Design File | 3.5 |
.PRT | Unigraphics Part File | 3.4 |
.XISE | Xilinx ISE Project File | 3.4 |
.TAK | TAK 2000 Thermal Model File | 3.4 |
.JBC | Jam STAPL Byte-Code File | 3.4 |
.MP7 | Multisim 7 Project File | 3.4 |
.NC1 | Mastercam Numerical Control File | 3.4 |
.PSF | AutoCAD PostScript Patterns File | 3.4 |
.RRA | vRigger Rigging Gear File | 3.4 |
.EASM | eDrawings Assembly File | 3.4 |
.CGR | CATIA Graphical Representation File | 3.4 |
.CDL | CADKEY Wireframe Design File | 3.4 |
.PRG | PC-DMIS Part Program File | 3.4 |
.JAM | Jam STAPL File | 3.4 |
.EWB | Electronics Workbench Circuit Design File | 3.4 |
.FNC | QuickCAM 3D CNC File | 3.4 |
.TCD | TurboCAD Mac Deluxe Drawing | 3.4 |
.DGK | Delcam 3D Model File | 3.4 |
.DXX | AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Attribute File | 3.4 |
.WDP | AutoCAD Electrical Project File | 3.4 |
.PRO | KiCad Project | 3.4 |
.CFF | Common File Format | 3.4 |
.ICS | IronCAD 3D Scene | 3.4 |
.IPT | Inventor Part | 3.3 |
.RED | CADViewer Redline Markup File | 3.3 |
.ELD | Eulumdat Formatted Luminaire Data File | 3.3 |
.LIZD | Live Interior 3D Compressed Document | 3.3 |
.G3D | GOM 3D File | 3.3 |
.ULD | Unified Luminaire Data File | 3.3 |
.TCM | TurboCAD Mac Drawing | 3.3 |
.XBF | XCAF Binary 3D Model | 3.3 |
.DSNWRK | Altium Designer Workspace File | 3.3 |
.DXE | AutoCAD Data Extraction Template | 3.3 |
.EZP | AutoCAD Ecscad Project Backup File | 3.3 |
.G | BRL-CAD Geometry File | 3.3 |
.BPM | Bizagi Process Modeler | 3.3 |
.NGC | Xilinx Generated Netlist File | 3.3 |
.ARD | ArtiosCAD Workspace File | 3.3 |
.OPJ | OrCAD Project File | 3.3 |
.SCH | EAGLE Schematics File | 3.3 |
.TOPVIW | TopSolid'Viewer Document | 3.3 |
.DLX | DIALux Document | 3.3 |
.CATDRAWING | CATIA V5 Drawing | 3.3 |
.SEW | Home Embroidery Format | 3.3 |
.LDT | Eulumdat Formatted Luminaire Data File | 3.3 |
.CAM | Gerber CAM Job File | 3.3 |
.IDW | Inventor Drawing | 3.3 |
.IPN | Inventor Presentation | 3.3 |
.A2L | ASAP2 ECU Description File | 3.3 |
.123C | Autodesk 123C Drawing | 3.3 |
.WDF | Wintech Drawing File | 3.3 |
.DC | DesignCAD Design File | 3.3 |
.BRD | KiCad PCB Design File | 3.2 |
.PHO | Gerber Photoplot File | 3.2 |
.CNC | CNC Machine Tool Path | 3.2 |
.GXD | General CADD Pro Drawing | 3.2 |
.DRWDOT | SolidWorks Drawing Template | 3.2 |
.BXL | Accelerated Designs PCB Library File | 3.2 |
.DRG | AllyCAD Drawing File | 3.2 |
.TSC | TINA Design File | 3.2 |
.GCD | Generic CADD Drawing File | 3.2 |
.2D | VersaCAD 2D Drawing File | 3.2 |
.MIN | MAX Interchange Notation File | 3.2 |
.PRT | Solid Edge Part File | 3.1 |
.LAY6 | Sprint Layout 6 PCB Layout File | 3.1 |
.3W | XYZprinting Sliced Model File | 3.1 |
.GEO | TruTops Geometry File | 3.1 |
.SCH | KiCad Schematic File | 3.1 |
.BIT | Xilinx Bitstream File | 3.1 |
.FPD | Front Panel Designer Project | 3.1 |
.MS11 | Multisim 11 Circuit Design File | 3.1 |
.DFT | Solid Edge Draft Document | 3.1 |
.CNC | PartMaster CNC File | 3.1 |
.SLDDRW | SolidWorks Drawing | 3.1 |
.RDF | Relux Project File | 3.1 |
.DCD | DesignCAD Drawing | 3.1 |
.OLB | OrCAD Symbol Library File | 3.1 |
.CDDX | Circuit Diagram Document | 3.1 |
.LIA | P-CAD ASCII Library file | 3.0 |
.DRW | Personal Designer Drawing File | 3.0 |
.FZM | Fritzing Module File | 3.0 |
.NPL | Xilinx ISE 5-6 Project File | 3.0 |
.EQN | GAL Equation File | 3.0 |
.IFCXML | Industry Foundation Classes XML File | 3.0 |
.PM3 | Crouzet Logic Software M3 File | 3.0 |
.MS12 | Multisim 12 Circuit Design File | 3.0 |
.BREP | BRep 3D Model File | 3.0 |
.BPMC | Bizagi Process Modeler Collaboration | 3.0 |
.NEU | Pro/ENGINEER Neutral File | 3.0 |
.IC3D | IC3D Scene File | 3.0 |
.ASMDOT | SolidWorks Assembly Template | 3.0 |
.ASM | Solid Edge Assembly File | 3.0 |
.EASMX | eDrawings Assembly XPS File | 3.0 |
.RCM | Autodesk Reality Capture Mesh | 3.0 |
.SZA | HiCAD Drawing File | 3.0 |
.X_T | Parasolid Model Part File | 3.0 |
.EPRT | eDrawings File | 3.0 |
.MP13 | Multisim 13 Project | 3.0 |
.BIMX | BIM Explorer File | 3.0 |
.SYM | gEDA Symbol File | 3.0 |
.EWD | EasyWOOD Design File | 3.0 |
.TGI | TowGeom Input File | 3.0 |
.GINSPECT_PRJ | GOM Inspect Project File | 3.0 |
.DGB | FlashCAD Drawing Database | 3.0 |
.PC6 | PowerCADD 6 Drawing File | 3.0 |
.FAN | Form•Z Animation File | 3.0 |
.ADT | AutoCAD Audit Log | 3.0 |
.TCD | Technobox CAD Drawing | 3.0 |
.T3001 | TARGET 3001! Circuit Design Project File | 3.0 |
.DRA | Dolphin PartMaster Drawing File | 3.0 |
.IPF | iMPACT Project File | 3.0 |
.TC3 | TurboCAD 2D/3D Mac Drawing | 3.0 |
.PRTDOT | SolidWorks Part Template | 3.0 |
.MMG | Model Master 3 Axis Flat File | 3.0 |
.VDS | Visual Design Stream | 3.0 |
.MFP | Markforged Print | 3.0 |
.LOGICLYLIB | Logicly Integrated Circuit Library | 3.0 |
.LFVIEW | Leapfrog Viewer Scene | 3.0 |
.HUS | Husqvarna Embroidery File | 3.0 |
.WBT | Webots World | 3.0 |
.CHITUBOX | Chitubox Project | 3.0 |
.SCHDOC | Altium Designer Schematic Document | 3.0 |
.SCDOC | SpaceClaim Document | 3.0 |
.NWD | Navisworks Document | 3.0 |
.EXB | CAXA Draft | 2.9 |
.IPJ | Inventor Project | 2.9 |
.BRD | Cadence Allegro PCB Design | 2.9 |
.CRV | VCarve Pro Design File | 2.9 |
.NWC | Navisworks Cache File | 2.9 |
.VND | Type3 Design File | 2.8 |
.PSU | PSU Designer Document | 2.8 |
.LYR | bestIMAGE Design File | 2.8 |
.MP14 | Multisim 14 Project | 2.8 |
.PIPE | PIPE-FLO Project File | 2.8 |
.CND | Melco Condensed Embroidery File | 2.8 |
.RCD | LEGO MINDSTORMS Recording File | 2.8 |
.TCW | TurboCAD Drawing File | 2.8 |
.TBP | Tekla BIMsight Project | 2.7 |
.FLX | FelixCAD Drawing | 2.7 |
.VTF | 3DESIGN CAD File | 2.7 |
.MVS | Microchip Verification Specification File | 2.7 |
.MDL | Lectra Modaris Clothing Design File | 2.7 |
.TCP | TurboCAD Mac Pro Drawing | 2.7 |
.CMP | Solid Edge Wire Harness File | 2.7 |
.SDG | Strater Project File | 2.7 |
.NGD | Xilinx Netlist File | 2.6 |
.LYC | bestIMAGE Compressed Design File | 2.6 |
.EDRW | SolidWorks eDrawings File | 2.5 |
.TCX | TurboCAD 3D Model Text File | 2.5 |
.RML | Redline Markup Language File | 2.5 |
.TPL | Archicad Template | 2.5 |
.PRJPCB | Altium Designer PCB Project | 2.5 |
.PCS | Pfaff Embroidery File | 2.5 |
.PLC | Archicad Teamwork Draft | 2.5 |
.PRJSCR | Altium Designer Script Project | 2.5 |
.KIT | 2020 Design Live File | 2.5 |
.ATT | Alphacam Lathe Tool File | 2.4 |
.DRW | ANVIL Drawing File | 2.4 |
.TOPPRJ | TopSolid Project | 2.4 |
.GXH | General CADD Pro Hatch Pattern File | 2.4 |
.DVG | Graphic Works Vector Graphic | 2.4 |
.ISE | Xilinx ISE Project | 2.3 |
.DBQ | AutoCAD Query Set | 2.3 |
.3DC | RoboCell Cell Setup File | 2.3 |
.MP8 | Multisim 8 Project | 2.3 |
.TOP | TopSolid Design Document | 2.3 |
.CKD | KeyCreator Design File | 2.2 |
.SBP | OpenSBP CNC Program File | 2.2 |
.RS | RapidSketch Document | 2.1 |
.GBX | Gerber PCB File | 2.1 |
.BSW | StruWalker 3D Model | 2.1 |
.SMG | SolidWorks Composer File | 2.1 |
.PRJMBD | Altium Designer Multi-board Project | 2.0 |
.PIPD | PIPE-FLO Demo Project File | 2.0 |
.PWD | Solid Edge Weldment Document | 2.0 |
.DRA | OrCAD Drawing File | 2.0 |
.QPM | Quick Pallet Maker Input Data | 2.0 |
.EZC | AutoCAD Ecscad Components Backup File | 2.0 |
.MS9 | Multisim 9 Circuit Design File | 2.0 |
.MS7 | Multisim 7 Circuit Design File | 2.0 |
.FPP | Front Panel Project | 2.0 |
.DXO | DesignXOver Speaker Circuit Design File | 2.0 |
.SMT | Autodesk Shape Manager Text File | 2.0 |
.STA | Vectorworks Design Template | 2.0 |
.IQP | IntelliQuilter Pattern | 2.0 |
.FM | FeatureCAM Part | 2.0 |
.BBCDX | BobCAD-CAM Document | 2.0 |
.PPA | Archicad Teamwork Project Archive | 2.0 |
.CKT | KeyCreator Design Template | 2.0 |
.CYG | Home Design Object | 2.0 |
.AD_PRT | Alibre Design Part | 2.0 |
.IDCL | Inventor Desktop Content Library File | 2.0 |
.RCV | RoofCon Viewer Project File | 2.0 |
.BSWX | BIMReview 3D Model | 2.0 |
.PBB | Protobot Beta Project | 2.0 |
.L3B | LEGO 3D Model File | 2.0 |
.MP9 | Multisim 9 Project File | 1.9 |
.SCH | ExpressSCH Schematics File | 1.8 |
.BPZ | Easy Blue Print Symbol Library | 1.8 |
.MOD | Femap Model | 1.7 |
.DSG | Control Studio Document | 1.7 |
.IFCZIP | Compessed IFC File | 1.5 |
.SST | Artec Studio Project | 1.5 |
.DC2 | DevCad Cam Pro Document | 1.5 |
.HCP | HydroCAD Project File | 1.4 |
.UPF | Unified Power Format File | 1.3 |
.CEL | MicroStation Cell Library | 1.2 |
.MOD | Archicad Module | 1.2 |
.CMP | Generic CADD Component File | 1.0 |
.FCD | FastCAD DOS Drawing | 1.0 |
.PCA | Archicad Teamwork Draft Archive | 1.0 |