.RS File Extension
Rust Source Code File
Developer | Rust Foundation |
Popularity |
4.0 | 44 Votes |
What is an RS file?
An RS file contains Rust source code, a programming language for developing large-scale, high-performance applications. Rust developers may open and edit RS files with source code editors or compile their source code with the Rust compiler to machine code to run as a program.
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Graydon Hoare created the Rust programming language in 2006 while working at Mozilla Research. Various significant companies, including Microsoft, Google, Meta, Discord, and Amazon, adopted the language in the 2010s for numerous purposes, resulting in the formation of the Rust Foundation in February 2021 to manage the continued development of the language.
Rust developers use RS files to store their source code, then compile it with the rustc compiler included with the Rust package. Developers may also change the .rs file extension to .rs~ during the development process to signify to themselves and others that the source code is not ready to be compiled.
How to open an RS file
You can open RS files with Rust, which allows you to edit and compile Rust source code in the files. You can install Rust on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms or use the online version (Rust Playground).
Various source code editors also support RS files, including:
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code with the rust-analyzer extension
- Sublime Text with the Rust Enhanced package
- GNU Emacs version 25 or later with the rust-mode package
Plain text editors, such as Microsoft Notepad (Windows) and Apple TextEdit (Mac), can also open and edit RS files. However, they do not provide helpful coding features, such as syntax highlighting.
Programs that open RS files
Windows Rating System File
Developer | Microsoft |
Popularity |
2.8 | 10 Votes |
File used by the Windows operating system; contains rating system information that is used for applying parental controls to Web and desktop content; located in the C:\Windows\System32\ directory.
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Example RS files include esrb.rs for Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings and WEB.rs for Web content ratings.
Programs that open or reference RS files
Sun Raster Graphic
Developer | Sun Microsystems |
Popularity |
2.5 | 11 Votes |
An RS file may also be a raster image created on a SunOS workstation. It is saved in a proprietary image format developed by Sun Microsystems. RS files may contain full-color, paletted, or grayscale images.
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Sun Microsystems, a technology company that was active from 1982 to 2010, created the Sun Raster Graphic format for use on its SunOS workstations and servers. Sun Raster Graphics can contain raw or compressed image data, with image depths (bits per pixel) of 1, 4, 8, 24, or 32 bits.
Some Sun Raster Graphics are saved as RS files. More commonly, Sun Raster Graphics are saved as .SUN or .RAS files. An easy way to identify a Sun Raster Graphic, regardless of its extension, is to view the file's 32-bit header in a hex editor. All Sun Raster Graphics include the identifying magic number 59a66a95 in their header.
How to open an RS file
You can open an RS file in many image viewers and editors. Some examples include:
- XnViewMP (multiplatform)
- ImageMagick (multiplatform)
- GIMP (multiplatform)
- qView (multiplatform)
How to convert an RS file
You can use XnViewMP or ImageMagick to convert RS files to other image formats. For example, ImageMagick can convert RS files to the following formats:
Programs that open RS files
RapidSketch Document
Developer | Utilant |
Popularity |
2.1 | 14 Votes |
Drawing created by RapidSketch, a program used for sketching residential and commercial properties; may contains a home floor plan or a layout of an entire property; used for design, appraisal, assessment, and construction work; can be used for accurately calculating square footage.