
Version7(as of 4/26/2021)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:2.5  |  431 Votes

Main Features

  • Bundled with useful office productivity programs for free
  • Provides many of the same functions as Microsoft Office
  • Offers compatibility with many different office-productivity files
  • Presents a clean user interface and easy to learn

Software Overview

Screenshot of LibreOffice 7.1
Screenshot of LibreOffice 7.1

LibreOffice is an open-source office suite, similar to Microsoft Office (even the application icon colors match), that allows you to create various types of documents. It descended from in 2010 and is closely related to Apache OpenOffice.

LibreOffice consists of the following applications:

  • Writer - A word processor
  • Calc - A spreadsheet application
  • Impress - A presentation creator
  • Draw - A vector graphics editor
  • Math - A mathematical equation creator
  • Base - A database management application

Once you begin creating a document, you’ll find that each application in the suite offers familiar features to the corresponding Microsoft Office application. For example, Writer documents are a substitute for Microsoft Word documents and provide many traditional styles and formatting options, such as fonts, text indentation, table insertion, and the format paintbrush. Calc, which is a substitute for Microsoft Excel, features a similar spreadsheet to Excel but is noticeably missing the macro functionality.

Impress is LibreOffice’s answer to Microsoft PowerPoint and is great for creating basic slide presentations. Draw is comparable to Microsoft Visio and Publisher and is a good option for creating diagrams, even presentations. Base is similar to Microsoft Access, with similar features, such as reports, SQL, and forms. And finally, LibreOffice’s Math application is a useful tool for creating formulas and incorporating them into other LibreOffice suite documents created by Writer and Calc.


While it doesn’t offer all of the same functions, LibreOffice is an attractive alternative to Microsoft Office. It is compatible with many office productivity formats, including Microsoft Office files, such as .DOCX and .XLSX. If you’re looking for a cost-effective (it is free but is open to donations) office suite solution, LibreOffice is a great option.

Primary File Type

odt icon.ODTOpenDocument Text Document

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ODTOpenDocument Text Document
.CSVComma-Separated Values File
.DBDatabase File
.DOCMicrosoft Word Document (Legacy)
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document
.DOTXMicrosoft Word Template
.FODPOpenDocument Flat XML Presentation
.FODSOpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet
.FODTOpenDocument Flat XML Document
.MMLMathematical Markup Language File
.ODBOpenDocument Database
.ODFOpenDocument Formula
.ODGOpenDocument Graphic File
.ODMOpenDocument Master Document
.ODPOpenDocument Presentation
.ODSOpenDocument Spreadsheet
.OTGOpenDocument Graphic Template
.OTPOpenDocument Presentation Template
.OTSOpenDocument Spreadsheet Template
.OTTOpenDocument Document Template
.OXTApache OpenOffice Extension
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.PPTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation
.PSWPocket Word Document
.SDAStarOffice Drawing
.SDCApache OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet
.SDDStarOffice Presentation
.SDPStarOffice Presentation File
.SDWStarOffice Writer Text Document
.SLKSymbolic Link File
.SMFStarMath Formula File
.STCStarOffice Calc Spreadsheet Template
.STDApache OpenOffice Drawing Template
.STIStarOffice Presentation Template
.STWStarOffice Document Template
.SXCStarOffice Calc Spreadsheet
.SXGApache OpenOffice Master Document
.SXIStarOffice Impress Presentation
.SXMStarMath Formula
.SXWStarOffice Writer Document
.UOFUniform Office Document
.UOPUniform Office Presentation
.UOSUniform Office Spreadsheet
.UOTUniform Office Document
.VSDMicrosoft Visio Drawing (Legacy)
.VSDXMicrosoft Visio Drawing
.WDBMicrosoft Works Database
.WPSMicrosoft Works Word Processor Document
.WRIMicrosoft Write Document
.XLSMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet (Legacy)
.XLSXMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DICDictionary File
.DOC#LibreOffice Document Lock File
.MABMozilla Address Book
.TSVTab-Separated Values File
.TXTRPTCommScope Teletilt Control System Report
Updated 4/26/2021