Microsoft Visio

Version2019(as of 11/23/2020)
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Rating:3.9  |  56 Votes

Main Features

  • Design a layout for a room or office
  • Create a chart showing your family tree
  • Diagram using custom shapes or select ones from a large library
  • Work on a diagram simultaneously with teammates

Software Overview

Microsoft Visio is a diagramming and vector graphics program that is available standalone or as part of the Microsoft Office suite. It is available in Standard, Professional, and Premium editions with each edition having different features.

Visio is an application that is used for creating a wide range of diagrams. It can diagram the layout of an office, blueprints to a building, a complex concept, flowcharts, and much more. It is commonly used for brainstorming and to visually communicate ideas.

There are many features and tools within Visio to make it easy for you to create a diagram. It has tools to add shapes, lines, and text. Visio also comes with a large library of shapes that you can use in your diagrams, including furniture, buildings, and symbols.

Visio is a great tool and can be very useful in an office where employees may need to share ideas with each other. If you work with others and often need to communicate ideas, you might be interested in adding it to your arsenal.

Primary File Type

vsdx icon.VSDXMicrosoft Visio Drawing

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.VSDXMicrosoft Visio Drawing
.IMDMicrosoft VisioModeler File
.SVGScalable Vector Graphic
.VDWVisio Web Drawing
.VDXMicrosoft Visio XML Drawing
.VSDMicrosoft Visio Drawing (Legacy)
.VSDMVisio Macro-Enabled Drawing
.VSSMVisio Macro-Enabled Stencil File
.VSSXVisio Stencil File
.VSTMVisio Macro-Enabled Drawing Template
.VSTXMicrosoft Visio Drawing Template
.VSWVisio Workspace File
.VSXVisio Stencil XML File
.VTXVisio Template XML File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.EMZWindows Compressed Enhanced Metafile
.VRDVisio Report Definition File
.VSLVisio Add-on
.VSSVisio Stencil File
.VSTMicrosoft Visio Drawing Template (Legacy)
Updated 11/23/2020