Microsoft Visual Basic

Version6(as of 12/17/2014)
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Rating:3.8  |  24 Votes

Main Features

  • Rapid application development of GUI applications
  • Drag and drop form development interface
  • Creation of EXE files, ActiveX controls, and DLL files

Software Overview

Microsoft Visual Basic is an object oriented programming language and integrated development environment used to create programs for the Windows operating system. It is no longer supported and has since been replaced by Visual Basic .NET.

Visual Basic was one of the first computer development systems that included both a language and an integrated development environment (IDE). The IDE allows you to develop user interfaces with a simple drag and drop approach. It is a good tool for Rapid Application Development (RAD) because of its ability to quickly build prototypes of programs.

Because Visual Basic is no longer supported it is not a recommended development solution. If you liked the development environment and code of VB you might be interested at looking into Visual Basic .NET.

Primary File Type

file  icon.VBPVisual Basic Project File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.VBPVisual Basic Project File
.BASBASIC Source Code File
.CTLVisual Basic UserControl Object File
.CTXVisual Basic Control Binary File
.DOBVisual Basic UserDocument
.DOXVisual Basic Binary UserDocument
.FRMVisual Basic Text Form
.FRXVisual Basic Binary Form File
.PDMVB Project Information File
.PRJProject File
.VBGVisual Basic Project Group File
.VBWVisual Basic Workspace File
.VBZVisual Basic Project Template

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.BBASIC Source File
Updated 12/17/2014