Microsoft Access

Version365(as of 11/23/2020)
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Main Features

  • Robust relational database management system (RDBMS) for the desktop environment
  • Provides visual tools for managing database schemas, records, reports, queries, and input forms
  • Provides pre-configured database templates and can use shared templates
  • Supports importing and exporting several different data formats

Software Overview

Screenshot of Microsoft Access 2016
Screenshot of Microsoft Access 2016

Microsoft Access is a relational database management system (RDBMS) for the desktop environment. The software is primarily designed for single users, but it provides many features found in large scale RDBMS applications like Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database. Unlike most other Microsoft Office applications, Access is only available for Windows.

Access offers visual tools for creating and populating databases. It includes workflow tools for making online database-driven Web applications, which are useful for collaborative data entry and data management. After creating and developing a Web app in Access, you can publish it to a Microsoft SharePoint server or an Office 365 site.

Microsoft Access also includes a full set of tools for database management, allowing you to develop simple to complex databases. For example, you can generate schemas, build input forms, and create reports without having to write any database code. Complete Access databases are encapsulated as .ACCDB files (or .MDB files for older versions), which can easily be transferred to other computers – something that is not easily accomplished with most large-scale RDBMS applications.

Access is commonly used in small to mid-sized professional environments for tracking inventories, customer information, and other business-related data. Its affordability and ease of use make it a good option for tracking your contacts or personal assets at home as well.

Primary File Type

accdb icon.ACCDBAccess 2007 Database

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ACCDBAccess 2007 Database
.ACCDAAccess Add-in File
.ACCDBAccess 2007 Database
.ACCDCMicrosoft Access Signed Package
.ACCDEAccess Execute Only Database
.ACCDRAccess Runtime Application
.ACCDTMicrosoft Access Database Template
.ACCDUAccess Add-in File
.ACCDWMicrosoft Access Database Link File
.ADEAccess Project Extension
.ADPAccess Data Project
.CSVComma-Separated Values File
.DBFDatabase File
.LACCDBMicrosoft Access Lock File
.MDAAccess Add-in
.MDBMicrosoft Access Database
.MDBHTMLMicrosoft Access Database HTML File
.MDECompiled Access Add-in File
.MDWAccess Workgroup
.MDZAccess Database Template
.TABTab Separated Data File
.XLSMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet (Legacy)
.XLSBMicrosoft Excel Binary Spreadsheet
.XLSMMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet
.XLSXMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.AWAnswer Wizard File
.BDBMicrosoft Works Database Backup File
.DAPAccess Data Access Page
.DBDatabase File
.DIFData Interchange Format
.LDBMicrosoft Access Lock File
.MADAccess Module Shortcut
.MAFMicrosoft Access Form
.MAGAccess Diagram Shortcut File
.MAMMicrosoft Access Macro
.MAQMicrosoft Access Query
.MARMicrosoft Access Report
.MASAccess Stored Procedure
.MATMicrosoft Access Table Shortcut File
.MAVAccess View File
.MAWAccess Data Access Page
.MDNBlank Access Database Template
.MDTMicrosoft Access Data File
.OMPOffice Manager Document Archive
.PSVPipe Separated Values File
.SNPAccess Report Snapshot
.TXTPlain Text File
Updated 11/23/2020