Version2.10(as of 12/9/2020)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:3.0  |  350 Votes

Main Features

  • Resembles Adobe Photoshop, but free
  • Supports many of the popular formats such as JPEG and PNG
  • Offers over 100 plug-ins to extend functionality
  • Contains editable text layers

Software Overview

Screenshot of GIMP 2.10
Screenshot of GIMP 2.10

GIMP, which stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a graphics editor used for editing, retouching, and converting images. It is available on Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms.

GIMP is a layer-based image editor that resembles Adobe Photoshop. Like Photoshop, you can use it as an online batch processing system, an image format converter, a mass production image renderer, and a photo retouching tool. GIMP has a full suite of painting tools, such as Airbrush, Pencil, Clone, and Brush. It has editable text layers, effects, filters, transformable paths, quickmask, full alpha channel support, and over 100 plugins that extend its capabilities.

GIMP supports many of the industry-standard image formats, such as JPEG and PNG. The program uses a proprietary file extension (.XCF) but opens and exports to many different graphics files, such as .PSD, .JPG, .PDF, .PNG, .BMP, and .TIFF. You can also create templates from the edits and settings you have for your images to tailor editing more to your preferences.


GIMP is a very capable image editor. It provides a familiar image-editing interface and offers many of the same capabilities as Adobe Photoshop. It can also open many of the industry-standard file formats. Throw in the fact that GIMP is free, and you have a very attractive image editor.

Primary File Type

xcf icon.XCFGIMP Image File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.XCFGIMP Image File
.AIAdobe Illustrator Artwork
.CR2Canon Raw 2 Image
.DDSDirectDraw Surface Image
.DGTDST Thumbnail File
.DIBDevice-Independent Bitmap Image
.EPSEncapsulated PostScript File
.FITSFlexible Image Transport System File
.G3CCITT Group 3 Fax Image
.GIFGraphical Interchange Format File
.ICOIcon File
.JBMPJAmes OS Bitmap Image
.JFIJPEG File Interchange Image
.ORAOpenRaster Image File
.PCXPaintbrush Bitmap Image File
.PEFPentax Electronic File
.PGMPortable Gray Map Image
.PIXAlias PIX Image
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.PNMPortable Any Map Image
.PPMPortable Pixmap Image
.PSDAdobe Photoshop Document
.PTXPentax RAW Image File
.RASSun Raster Graphic
.RAWRaw Image Data
.RGBRGB Bitmap
.SCMGIMP Script-Fu Script
.SUNSun Raster Graphic
.SVGScalable Vector Graphic
.TGATarga Graphic
.TIFTagged Image File
.TUBPaintShop Pro Picture Tube
.XBMX BitMap Graphic
.XPMX11 Pixmap Graphic
.XWDX Windows Dump Image

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.APMAldus Placeable Metafile Image
.GBRGIMP Brush File
.GGRGIMP Gradient File
.GIHGIMP Image Hose File
.ICONIcon Image
.PATPattern File
.RSSun Raster Graphic
.SRSun Raster Graphic
.VBRGIMP Parametric Brush File
.WMFWindows Metafile
Updated 12/9/2020