Adobe Photoshop

Version2023(as of 1/19/2023)
PlatformsWindows, Mac
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Rating:3.5  |  639 Votes

Main Features

  • Flexible and customizable work environment
  • Nondestructive, layer-based editing
  • Professional color correction and tone control
  • Advanced video, 3D model, and motion editing tools
  • Automatic colorization of black & white photos
  • Select a portion of your image by hovering and clicking
  • One-click subject selection to cut out subjects from photos or apply effects to them
  • Symmetry mode for applying perfectly symmetrical brush strokes
  • Tools for smoothing skin, applying patterns, and removing unwanted objects in photographs
  • Support for free and commercial plugins

Software Overview

Screenshot of Adobe Photoshop 2023
Screenshot of Adobe Photoshop 2023

Adobe Photoshop is an industry-standard image editing program for editing graphics and digital photos. The application includes standard drawing and selection tools and unique features that make it a go-to tool for many graphic designers and photographers.

Photoshop is primarily a pixel-based raster graphics editor but also supports basic vector-based editing. It can import and export various image formats, including .JPG, .PNG, .BMP, .TIFF, .TGA, and .PDF. However, it saves images in the Photoshop Document (.PSD) format by default (.PSB format for documents with images larger than 30,000 x 30,000 pixels or 2 GB in size).

The PSD format supports layers, which are isolated groupings of graphics that you can edit independently. You may set layers to be visible, hide layers, give layers a custom opacity setting, and more. You can also create adjustment layers, which apply non-destructive adjustments to one or more layers at a time.

If you are beginning to use Photoshop, the application may look daunting with its many tools, but the home screen allows quick and easy access to tutorials and templates to help you get started. As you become more familiar with the user interface and adjust it to your work style, Photoshop saves your preferences to keep the layout familiar.

Photoshop's more advanced and unique features include the Patch tool, which automatically removes blemishes, and the Object Removal Guided Edit tool removes unwanted objects and matches the background with the surrounding area. In addition, if you want to adjust the colors of an image, you can use the Levels, Curves, or Color Balance controls. The application also comes with Auto Color and Auto Levels tools for automatically enhancing images with a single click. While Photoshop includes many powerful built-in features, you can add even more capabilities to the program by installing plugins.


Photoshop is the image editor of choice among professionals, including photographers, graphic designers, and web developers. Its intuitive interface and wide range of powerful features make Adobe Photoshop the best image editing application available.

Primary File Type

psd icon.PSDAdobe Photoshop Document

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.PSDAdobe Photoshop Document
.ABRAdobe Photoshop Brushes
.ACBAdobe Photoshop Color Book File
.ACFAdobe Photoshop Custom Filter File
.ACOAdobe Photoshop Color Swatch File
.ACTAdobe Color Table File
.ACVPhotoshop Adjustment Curve
.ADOAdobe Photoshop Duotone Options File
.AHSAdobe Halftone Screen File
.AHUAdobe Photoshop HSL File
.AIAdobe Illustrator Artwork
.ALVAdobe Photoshop Levels File
.AMPPhotoshop Adjustment Map
.AMSAdobe Monitor Setup File
.APIAdobe Photoshop Inks File
.ARWSony Alpha Raw Digital Camera Image
.ASLPhotoshop Style
.ASRAdobe Photoshop Scratch File
.ASTAdobe Color Separations Table
.ASVAdobe Photoshop Selective Color File
.ATFPhotoshop Transfer Function File
.ATNPhotoshop Actions File
.AVSAdobe Photoshop Variations File
.AXTAdobe Photoshop Extract File
.BLWAdobe Photoshop Black and White Presets File
.BMPBitmap Image
.CHAPhotoshop Channel Mixture
.CINKodak Cineon Bitmap Image
.CR2Canon Raw 2 Image
.CRWCanon Raw CIFF Image File
.CSFAdobe Color Settings File
.CSHPhotoshop Custom Shapes File
.DCPAdobe DNG Camera Profile
.DCSDesktop Color Separation File
.DIBDevice-Independent Bitmap Image
.DNGDigital Negative Image
.DPXDigital Picture Exchange File
.EAPAdobe Photoshop Exposure File
.EPRPhotoshop AME Preset File
.EPSEncapsulated PostScript File
.EXROpenEXR Image
.FFFHasselblad RAW Image
.FFOAdobe Photoshop File Information File
.FXGFlash XML Graphics File
.GIFGraphical Interchange Format File
.GRDPhotoshop Gradient File
.HDRHigh Dynamic Range Image File
.HDTPhotoshop HDR Toning Preset File
.HEICHigh Efficiency Image Format
.ICCICC Profile
.ICMImage Color Matching Profile
.ICOIcon File
.IIQPhase One RAW Image
.IROSAdobe Save For Web Settings File
.IRSAdobe Save For Web Settings
.J2CJPEG 2000 Code Stream
.JP2JPEG 2000 Core Image
.JPSStereo JPEG Image
.KDCKodak Photo-Enhancer File
.KMZGoogle Earth Placemark File
.KYSAdobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts File
.MD0Adobe Photoshop Metadata Cache File
.MNUAdobe Photoshop Menu Customization File
.MOSLeaf Camera RAW Image
.MRWMinolta Raw Image
.MTLOBJ Material Template Library File
.NEFNikon Electronic Format RAW Image
.ORFOlympus RAW File
.P3EPhotoshop Repousse Settings File
.P3LAdobe Photoshop Light Preset File
.P3MAdobe Photoshop Material Preset File
.P3RAdobe Photoshop Render Settings Preset File
.PATPattern File
.PBMPortable Bitmap Image
.PCTPicture File
.PCXPaintbrush Bitmap Image File
.PDDAdobe PhotoDeluxe Image
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.PDPAdobe Portable Document Format File
.PEFPentax Electronic File
.PGMPortable Gray Map Image
.PICTPicture File
.PLUGINAdobe Photoshop Plug-in
.PMGAdobe Photoshop Photomerge Panoramic Composition File
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.PPMPortable Pixmap Image
.PSPostScript File
.PSBPhotoshop Large Document Format
.PSDCAdobe Photoshop Cloud Document
.PSFPhotoshop Proof Settings File
.PSPPhotoshop Preferences File
.PXRPixar Image File
.RAFFujifilm RAW Image
.RAWRaw Image Data
.RLERun Length Encoded Bitmap
.SCTScitex Continuous Tone Image
.SHCAdobe Photoshop Contours File
.SHHAdobe Photoshop Shadow/Highlight Settings file
.SRFSony RAW Image
.STAAdobe Photoshop Match Color Image Statistics File
.TB0Adobe Photoshop Thumbnail Cache File
.TGATarga Graphic
.TIFTagged Image File
.TPLAdobe Photoshop Tool Presets File
.U3DUniversal 3D File
.WBMPWireless Bitmap Image
.X3FSIGMA X3F Camera RAW File
.ZVTPhotoshop Zoomify Preset File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.8BAPhotoshop Plug-in
.8BCPhotoshop 5.0 Plug-in
.8BFPhotoshop Filter Plug-in
.8BIPhotoshop Plug-in
.8BI8Photoshop Plug-in
.8BLPhotoshop Plug-in
.8BSPhotoshop 5.0 Selection Plug-in
.8BXPhotoDeluxe Plug-in
.8BYPhotoDeluxe Plug-in
.8LIPhotoshop Scripting Plug-in
.8PBSAdobe Photoshop Macintosh File
.AFXAuto FX PhotoGraphic Edges Image
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.BCPBlackMagic Custom Palette
.BLZCompressed Bitmap Image
.CALCALS Raster Graphic
.CALSCALS Raster Graphic File
.CTScitex Continuous Tone Image
.DCRKodak Digital Camera RAW Image
.DCXZsoft Multi-Page Paintbrush File
.DDSDirectDraw Surface Image
.DSTWAIN Data Source
.EPSFEncapsulated PostScript Format File
.EXIFExchangeable Image Information File
.FIFFractal Image File
.FLVFlash Video
.HDPHD Photo File
.HEIFHigh Efficiency Image Format
.ICBTarga ICB Bitmap Image
.ICNWindows Icon File
.ICONIcon Image
.J2KJPEG 2000 Image
.JIFJPEG Interchange Format Image
.JIFFJPEG Image File Format
.JPCJPEG 2000 Code Stream File
.JPFJPEG 2000 Image
.JPXJPEG 2000 Image File
.KDKKodak Proprietary Decimated TIFF Image
.KODAKKodak Photo CD File
.LEXAdobe Linguistic Library Data File
.MOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.PSIDPostScript Image Data File
.PVRPOWERVR Texture File
.Q1QLunarCell Photoshop Plug-in
.Q2QFlexify Photoshop Plug-in
.Q4QSolar Cell Photoshop Plug-in
.Q5RMelancholytron Photoshop Plug-in
.Q7QIndia Ink Photoshop Plug-in
.Q8RFlood Photoshop Plug-in
.Q9RGlitterato Photoshop Plug-In
.Q9SMr. Contrast Photoshop Plug-In
.RSRPoser Model Preview File
.SA9Hue and Cry Photoshop Plug-in
.SKYPhotoshop Sky Replacement Preset
.TIFFTagged Image File Format
.TRIFTiled Raster Interchange Format
.VDATarga Bitmap Image File
.VPHVirtualPhotographer Custom Settings
.VSTTarga Bitmap Image
.WDPWindows Media Photo File
.WMPWindows Media Photo File
Updated 1/19/2023