.PRT File Extension
Creo Parametric Part
Developer | PTC |
Popularity |
3.5 | 52 Votes |
What is a PRT file?
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Creo Parametric is a CAD program that engineers use to design manufactured parts and assemblies. Engineers can also use Creo to analyze the designs they've created (e.g. test tolerances) and export the designs in formats used by Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines.
Parts created in Creo Parametric are saved as PRT files. While Creo is the primary application that uses PRT files, some other CAD applications can open them.
NOTE: Creo Parametric was formerly known as Pro/Engineer and Wildfire.
How to open a PRT file
You can open a PRT file in PTC Creo (Windows) or Autodesk Fusion 360 (multiplatform). Note that you can open PRT files in only the Commerical version of Fusion 360; the Personal version does not support PRT files.
How to convert a PRT file
You can use the Commercial version of Autodesk Fusion 360 to convert PRT files to the following formats (and some others):
Programs that open PRT files
Presentations Template
Developer | Corel |
Popularity |
3.5 | 23 Votes |
Presentation template created by Corel Presentations, an application included with Corel WordPerfect Office; saves a slide style and layout that can be used for creating new .SHW presentations.
Programs that open PRT files
CADKEY Part File
Developer | Kubotek |
Popularity |
3.6 | 16 Votes |
CAD file created by CADKEY, a program used for designing 2D and 3D parts; contains both the model and drawing layouts; includes model geometry in wireframe, surface, and solids (ACIS based), plus dimensioning, annotation, vector, plane and other entity types in one modeling space.
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The Drawing Layout Mode in CADKEY contains defined views of model geometry for associative dimensioning and annotation, as well as section views. It also allows 2D wireframe geometry creation.
NOTE: KeyCreator, the successor to CADKEY, uses .CKD files to store designs.
Programs that open PRT files
Valve Source Portal File
Developer | Valve |
Popularity |
3.9 | 9 Votes |
A PRT file contains portal information used by the Valve Visible Information Set (VVIS) command-line tool included with Hammer Editor, which is a program used to build maps for Valve games such as Half-Life. It stores a list of portals in ASCII format that are used by VVIS to perform visibility calculations to determine which objects on a map can be seen by a player and must be rendered.
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PRT files are used to optimize maps/levels in Source engine games. The PRT files are generated by VBSP, which is a tool used to compile raw Valve Map .VMF files to the Binary Space Partition (BSP) format so that they can be used in BSP-based game engines. These .BSP maps must be completely "sealed," meaning that they cannot connect to the black infinite area around the map. If the maps are not completely sealed, they will not work properly in the game.
If the level is sealed, then VBSP creates a [mapname].prt file, which is then used by VVIS to calculate the visibility of objects and improve the performance of the map by communicating which objects must be rendered. If there is a "leak" in the map, then VBSP reports it and does not generate the PRT file, which causes VVIS to not perform the visibility calculations.
NOTE: Since PRT files are saved in a text format, you can open them with a text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad or Apple TextEdit. However, you may have to change the .prt file extension to .txt to open it in the text editor.
Common PRT Filenames
[mapname].prt - PRT files are named after the map/level for which they store portal information. An example of a PRT file name is d1_canals_06_d.prt.
Programs that open or reference PRT files
Unigraphics Part File
Developer | Siemens |
Popularity |
3.4 | 16 Votes |
A PRT file may also be a model part file saved in a three-dimensional model format used by Unigraphics, a 3D CAD program. It contains surface and solid information for a single part. PRT files are saved in a binary format, similar to an Alias wire model and an SDRC (Structural Dynamics Research Corporation) model.
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NOTE: Unigraphics was acquired by Siemens and is now distributed as Siemens NX.
Programs that open PRT files
Solid Edge Part File
Developer | Siemens |
Popularity |
3.1 | 14 Votes |
3D model created with Solid Edge, a CAD program used primarily for creating industrial parts and assemblies; can be combined with other 3D parts in an assembly (.ASM) file.
Programs that open PRT files
Printer Driver File
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.2 | 9 Votes |
Contains configuration information that allows the computer to communicate with the printer; may be used by certain software programs, such as Dr. Halo software, which saves images in a device-independent format.
Programs that open or reference PRT files
Printer Output File
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.3 | 7 Votes |
Output from a printing job sent to the printer and saved as a file; contains formatting information that tells the printer how the document should be printed.
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PRT files may be created on Unix systems using the FILEUTIL function with a Filename parameter. They can also be opened by FILEUTIL and printed using the LP (line printer) parameter.
Programs that open PRT files
Crypt Edit Protected Text Format File
Developer | PolySoft Solutions |
Popularity |
2.5 | 8 Votes |
Protected text document created by Crypt Edit, a free program used for word processing; stores an encrypted and password protected document; may contain text, images, and page formatting information; used to securely store documents.
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NOTE: PolySoft Solutions discontinued development for Crypt Edit in 2000.