Okino Computer Graphics PolyTrans

Version5(as of 3/4/2020)
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Main Features

  • Supports a variety of formats including Maya, IGES, and ads Max
  • Manipulate, view, and convert 3D models and scenes
  • Evaluate the software to receive a custom-built PolyTrans package tailored to your specific needs

Software Overview

Okino Computer Graphics PolyTrans is a CAD industry-standard application. It is primarily used in the engineering, aerospace, military, and corporate markets to visualize and translate 3D CAD/CAM, VisSim, and digital content creation data.

PolyTrans is available as a base package with modules that can be added on to provide specific capabilities tailored to the users' needs. This approach provides new users with the opportunity to get exactly what they need while also saving money.

The software enables you to import from and export to a large amount of 3D CAD applications including AutoCAD, Inventor, and CATIA. The program supports a variety of 2D and 3D formats such as 3ds Max, CINEMA 4D, COLLADA, Maya, IGES, SketchUp, PNG, Photoshop PSD, TIFF, and Windows Bitmap.

PolyTrans can convert scene files, which includes meshes with holes, texture coordinates, and lights and cameras. The program can also convert and optimize popular CAD formats, compose 3D scenes, and publish web streaming file formats.

PolyTrans is highly capably CAD software that is trusted and used worldwide by thousands of companies, including 3M, Caterpillar, FOX Studios, Ford, and Ubisoft. It is not intended for hobbyists or users looking for a cheap CAD program. Instead, the software provides premium, industry-standard CAD capabilities tailored to the needs of high-end, technical users.

Primary File Type

stp icon.STPSTEP 3D CAD File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.3DMRhino 3D Model
.3DMFQuickDraw 3D Metafile
.3DS3D Studio Scene
.AIAdobe Illustrator Artwork
.BDFGlyph Bitmap Distribution Format
.BMPBitmap Image
.BVHBiovision Hierarchy Animation File
.C4DCinema 4D Model
.CELFLIC Animation
.DAEDigital Asset Exchange File
.DIBDevice-Independent Bitmap Image
.DWFDesign Web Format File
.DXFDrawing Exchange Format File
.FBXAutodesk FBX Interchange File
.FLCFLIC Animation
.FLIFLIC Animation
.IFFInterchange File Format
.IVOpen Inventor Scene Graph File
.JTJT Open CAD File
.LWOLightWave 3D Object
.LWSLightWave 3D Scene
.MAX3ds Max Scene File
.MOLMDL Molfile
.OBJWavefront 3D Object File
.PDBProtein Data Bank File
.PICGeneric Picture File
.PLYPolygon Model
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.PSDAdobe Photoshop Document
.RGBRGB Bitmap
.SESSIONCATIA 4 Session File
.SGISilicon Graphics Image
.SHPESRI Shapefile
.SKPSketchUp Document
.STLStereolithography File
.TGATarga Graphic
.TIFTagged Image File
.TRITriangle Mesh File
.U3DUniversal 3D File
.XDirectX Model File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.IGSIGES Drawing
.TIFFTagged Image File Format
Updated 3/4/2020