Autodesk AutoCAD
Version | 2025(as of 1/9/2025) |
Platforms | Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Web |
License | Commercial |
Category | Graphics |
Main Features
- Ability to create 2D and 3D technical drawings
- Layer-based editing tools that help users manage complex drawings
- Industry-specific drawing toolsets and integrated automation
- Rapidly send and receive feedback to incorporate into designs
- Customizable workspace with add-ons
- Cross-platform access and cloud file storage
- Smart Blocks: Search and Convert allows users to quickly organize geometry into blocks
- Activity Insights provides a centralized view for tracking and comparing DWG versions
Software Overview
Autodesk AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) application widely used by architects, engineers, and other design professionals to create precise technical drawings. With AutoCAD, users can produce detailed 2D and 3D representations of industrial parts, buildings, vehicles, furniture, and other items. It is a versatile tool that serves a range of industries, from construction to manufacturing.
The software provides a robust set of features designed to streamline the drafting, editing, and sharing of complex designs. For example, its layer-based editing tools allow users to organize drawings into manageable sections, making it easier to work independently on specific parts of a project. AutoCAD includes specialized toolsets tailored to different professions, enabling users to access industry-specific drawing tools efficiently. The program also offers automation capabilities, such as drawing comparisons, element counting, and schedule creation, which save time and reduce errors. For users looking to customize their workflows, AutoCAD supports extensions and APIs to add functionality tailored to unique project requirements.
AutoCAD is available on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and the web, though the mobile and web versions have fewer features. The software integrates with Autodesk's cloud platform, allowing users to save and access drawings online, enhancing collaboration and flexibility. AutoCAD primarily saves files in the .DWG format but supports exporting to formats such as .PDF, .BMP, and .EPS, ensuring compatibility across tools and teams. These features make AutoCAD a go-to solution for professionals working in collaborative, design-intensive environments.
AutoCAD's extensive feature set can be intimidating for beginners, but it remains one of the most comprehensive design applications available. Despite its steep learning curve and premium pricing, AutoCAD empowers users to produce highly detailed technical drawings, making it an indispensable tool for many architects, engineers, and other design professionals.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.DWG | AutoCAD Drawing |
.AC$ | AutoCAD Temporary File |
.ADI | AutoCAD Device-Independent Binary Plotter File |
.ADT | AutoCAD Audit Log |
.ASC | Autodesk ASCII Export File |
.ASE | Autodesk ASCII Scene Export File |
.ASM | Pro/ENGINEER Assembly File |
.BLK | AutoCAD Block Template File |
.BP2 | AutoCAD Batch Plot File |
.BP3 | AutoCAD Batch Plot File |
.BPL | AutoCAD Batch Plot File |
.CAS | Autodesk Cascade License File |
.DAE | Digital Asset Exchange File |
.DFX | Drafix CAD File |
.DGN | MicroStation Design |
.DST | AutoCAD Sheet Set |
.DWFX | Design Web Format XPS File |
.DWL2 | AutoCAD Drawing Lock File |
.DWS | AutoCAD Drawing Standards File |
.DWT | AutoCAD Drawing Template |
.DXB | Drawing Exchange Binary |
.DXE | AutoCAD Data Extraction Template |
.DXF | Drawing Exchange Format File |
.IAM | Inventor Assembly |
.IFC | Industry Foundation Classes File |
.IGES | IGES Drawing |
.IGS | IGES Drawing |
.IPT | Inventor Part |
.MVI | AutoCAD Movie Command File |
.OBJ | Wavefront 3D Object File |
.PAT | AutoCAD Hatch Pattern File |
.PLT | AutoCAD Plotter Document |
.PRJ | Project File |
.PRT | Solid Edge Part File |
.RDL | MicroStation Redline File |
.RML | Redline Markup Language File |
.SAB | ACIS SAB Model |
.SAT | ACIS SAT 3D Model |
.SCR | Script File |
.SDF | Spatial Data Format File |
.SHP | 3D Studio Shape |
.SHX | AutoCAD Compiled Shape File |
.SLB | AutoCAD Slide Library |
.SLD | AutoCAD Slide File |
.SMB | Autodesk Shape Manager Binary File |
.SMT | Autodesk Shape Manager Text File |
.SQLITE | SQLite Database |
.VLX | Compiled AutoLISP File |
.X_B | Parasolid Model Part File |
.X_T | Parasolid Model Part File |
Additional Related File Types
Extension | File Type |
.3DM | Rhino 3D Model |
.ACB | AutoCAD Color Book File |
.ACTM | AutoCAD Action Macro File |
.ARG | AutoCAD Profile |
.ARX | AutoCAD Runtime Extension File |
.ATC | AutoCAD Tool Catalog File |
.AWS | AutoCAD Work Space File |
.BAK | Backup File |
.BK1 | Autodesk Backup File |
.BP2 | AutoCAD Batch Plot File |
.BP3 | AutoCAD Batch Plot File |
.BPL | AutoCAD Batch Plot File |
.CAS | Autodesk Cascade License File |
.CATPART | CATIA V5 Part File |
.CATPRODUCT | CATIA V5 Assembly File |
.CDC | AutoCAD DesignCenter Preview Cache File |
.CGM | Computer Graphics Metafile |
.CHX | AutoCAD Standards Check File |
.CTB | AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style File |
.CUI | Autodesk Custom Workspace File |
.CUIX | AutoCAD Custom User Interface File |
.CUS | AutoCAD Custom Dictionary File |
.DAE | Digital Asset Exchange File |
.DBQ | AutoCAD Query Set |
.DBX | AutoCAD Database Extension File |
.DCL | AutoCAD Dialog Definition File |
.DCT | AutoCAD Dictionary File |
.DSD | AutoCAD Drawing Set Description File |
.DXB | Drawing Exchange Binary |
.DXF | Drawing Exchange Format File |
.DXX | AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Attribute File |
.ERR | AutoCAD Error Log File |
.EZC | AutoCAD Ecscad Components Backup File |
.EZP | AutoCAD Ecscad Project Backup File |
.FAS | Compiled Fast-Load AutoLISP File |
.FBX | Autodesk FBX Interchange File |
.FDC | AutoCAD Field Catalog File |
.FMP | AutoCAD Font Map File |
.HDX | Delphi MultiHelp Index File |
.HPG | HPGL Plot File |
.LIN | AutoCAD Linetype File |
.LSP | Lisp Program Source Code File |
.MNC | AutoCAD Compiled Menu File |
.MNL | AutoCAD Menu LISP File |
.MNR | AutoCAD Menu Resource File |
.MNS | AutoCAD Interface Settings File |
.MNU | AutoCAD Interface Layout File |
.MVI | AutoCAD Movie Command File |
.NEU | Pro/ENGINEER Neutral File |
.PC3 | AutoCAD Plotter Configuration File |
.PFB | Printer Font Binary File |
.PGP | AutoCAD Program Parameters File |
.PLT | AutoCAD Plotter Document |
.PMP | AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter File |
.PSF | AutoCAD PostScript Patterns File |
.PSS | AutoCAD Plot Stamp Settings File |
.PTW | AutoCAD Publish To Web File |
.PWT | AutoCAD Publish To Web Template |
.RML | Redline Markup Language File |
.SDF | Spatial Data Format File |
.SLDASM | SolidWorks Assembly |
.STB | AutoCAD Plot Style Table File |
.SV$ | AutoCAD Automated Backup File |
.UNT | AutoCAD Unit Definition File |
.VLX | Compiled AutoLISP File |
.WMF | Windows Metafile |
.XTP | AutoCAD Exported Tool Palettes File |