Autodesk 3ds Max
Version | 2022(as of 6/24/2021) |
Platform | Windows |
License | Commercial |
Category | Graphics |
Main Features
- Create 3D models using mesh and surface modeling tools
- Populate crowds of characters with realistic behavior
- Use rigging tools to animate your characters in a lifelike manner
- Create strand-derived effects like grass and hair
- Generate sophisticated particle effects
- Navigate through complex scene data using Scene Explorer
Software Overview
Autodesk 3ds Max is a graphics program used to create 3D models, images, and animations. It is most commonly used to create models and scenes for video games, but is also used in the film, television, engineering, and architecture industries.
3ds Max contains an extensive suite of model creation tools, including mesh and surface modeling tools, open shading language (OSL) support, the ability to bake complex surface effects to texture maps, and the ability to auto-populate crowds of characters. It also offers a variety of methods for developing textures, including tiling, rotation, blur, UV stretching, and relaxation.
After you finish creating a model (or models), you can animate it using 3ds Max's sophisticated animation tools. The program's CAT, Character Studio, and Populate tools let you rig and animate characters either individually or as a unit. 3ds Max also allows animators to add motion paths and particle flow effects, skin characters to mildly adjust their appearance as they move, and authentically simulate the movement of cloth and fluids.
When it is time to finalize your scene, you can render and view it using 3ds Max's Arnold GPU Renderer and viewports. You can also use the program's Scene Converter to update scenes you've created previously, to take advantage of newer lighting, materials, and rendering features.
Autodesk 3ds Max is a powerful 3D modeling and animation program that has earned its reputation as an industry-standard application (especially when complemented by Autodesk Maya). Whether you're a student aspiring to become a graphics developer or an existing 3D graphics professional, you can't go wrong with 3ds Max.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.MAX | 3ds Max Scene File |
.3DS | 3D Studio Scene |
.ACT | Genesis3D Actor File |
.AI | Adobe Illustrator Artwork |
.ASC | Autodesk ASCII Export File |
.ASE | Autodesk ASCII Scene Export File |
.BIP | Character Studio Biped File |
.BMP | Bitmap Image |
.BVH | Biovision Hierarchy Animation File |
.CAL | 3ds Max Pose Adjustment File |
.CATPART | CATIA V5 Part File |
.CATPRODUCT | CATIA V5 Assembly File |
.CGR | CATIA Graphical Representation File |
.CGR | Quest3D Channel Group File |
.CHR | 3ds Max Characters File |
.CIB | Luminaire Data File |
.CPY | 3ds Max Copy Track File |
.CR2 | Poser Character Rigging File |
.CSM | Character Studio Marker File |
.DAE | Digital Asset Exchange File |
.DDF | Diamond Directive File |
.DLV | CATIA 4 Export File |
.DWG | AutoCAD Drawing |
.DXF | Drawing Exchange Format File |
.EXP | CATIA 4 Export File |
.FACEFX | FaceFX Actor File |
.FBX | Autodesk FBX Interchange File |
.FIG | 3ds Max Figure File |
.FLT | OpenFlight Scene Description File |
.FLX | FLIC Animation |
.FXA | OC3 Entertainment FaceFX Actor File |
.IFL | 3ds Max Image File List |
.IFP | GTA Animation File |
.IGR | Quest3D Channel Group Layout File |
.IPT | Inventor Part |
.JT | JT Open CAD File |
.M3 | Blizzard MDX3 Model File |
.M3G | Mobile 3D Graphics 3D Model |
.MAT | 3ds Max Materials File |
.MAXC | 3ds Max Container File |
.MCR | 3ds Max Macroscript File |
.MD5ANIM | id Tech 4 Model Animation File |
.MD5CAMERA | id Tech 4 Model Camera File |
.MD5MESH | id Tech 4 3D Mesh File |
.MDD | Point Oven Deformation Data File |
.MIX | 3ds Max Motion Mixer File |
.MNM | Character Studio Marker Name File |
.MODEL | CATIA 3D Model |
.MS | 3ds Max Script |
.MSE | 3ds Max Encrypted MAXScript File |
.MZP | MAXScript Zip Package |
.OBJ | Wavefront 3D Object File |
.PHY | 3ds Max Physique File |
.PRJ | Project File |
.PRT | Unigraphics Part File |
.RPF | Rich Pixel Format File |
.RVT | Revit Project File |
.SAT | ACIS SAT 3D Model |
.SESSION | CATIA 4 Session File |
.SHP | 3D Studio Shape |
.SKP | SketchUp Document |
.SLDASM | SolidWorks Assembly |
.SLDPRT | SolidWorks Part |
.STL | Stereolithography File |
.STP | STEP 3D CAD File |
.USD | Universal Scene Description Format |
.UVW | UVW Coordinates File |
.WRL | VRML World |
.WRZ | Compressed VRML World File |
.XAF | 3ds Max XML Animation File |
.XMM | 3ds Max XML Animation Map File |
.ZT | Mental Ray Image Depth File |
Additional Related File Types
Extension | File Type |
.ASM | Pro/ENGINEER Assembly File |
.BMI | 3ds Max Plug-in |
.CUI | Autodesk Custom Workspace File |
.DLO | 3ds Max Object Plugin |
.DLR | finalRender Plugin |
.DLU | 3ds Max Utility Plug-in File |
.DRF | VIZ Render File |
.DWF | Design Web Format File |
.IAM | Inventor Assembly |
.IGES | IGES Drawing |
.IGS | Indigo Renderer Scene File |
.KBD | 3ds Max Keyboard Shortcuts File |
.MAT | V-Ray Materials File |
.MNU | AutoCAD Interface Layout File |
.NEU | Pro/ENGINEER Neutral File |
.RPS | 3ds Max Render Preset Settings |
.SPT | SpeedTree Tree Data File |
.STEP | STEP 3D Model |