.CPY File Extension

2 file types use the .cpy file extension.

3ds Max Copy Track File

Developer Autodesk
3.4  |  5 Votes
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What is a CPY file?

Animation file created by 3ds Max, a 3D modeling and animation program; saves an animation track for selected objects from a biped (two-footed figure); includes the gestures and posture information; allows modelers to reuse biped poses and animations.

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Programs that open or reference CPY files


eCopy Desktop File

Developer Nuance Communications
2.0  |  7 Votes
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File created by eCopy Desktop, a program used for scanning, merging, and modifying office documents; contains images, text, and page layout settings; used to store scanned files and send them over email; similar to a .PDF file, but stored in a Nuance Communications proprietary format.

More Information

eCopy Desktop versions 9 and later use PDF files instead of CPY files. ECopy Desktop can still save CPY files for opening with older versions.

NOTE: eCopy Desktop is now known as eCopy PaperWorks.

Programs that open CPY files

Nuance eCopy PaperWorks

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