Page Layout Files

Page layout files are documents that may contain both text and image data. They also include formatting information, which defines the page size, margins, and how content is organized on the page. Page layout documents are often used for creating printable publications, such as newspapers, magazines, and brochures.

Common page layout file extensions include .PDF, .INDD, and .QXP.

Extension File Type Popularity
.FIGFigma Design
.CHAIChaimera Artwork File
.DRMZDrumlin Fully Secure Mobile PDF File
.FLOAutomate Flowchart File
.AFPUBAffinity Publisher Document
.FSDFlowsheet Document
.CHAITChaimera Artwork Template
.XMTXMind Template
.PDFXMLAdobe PDFXML Document
.XTPInfoPath Template Part File
.LSCLogo! Soft Comfort File
.APArtPro File
.MFPMediaFACE Project File
.CSTManga Studio Story File
.ELPeCommerce Landing Page
.FD2PictureMate Borders File
.SBVSuperbase Form Definition
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.INXAdobe InDesign Interchange File
.PDRProntoDoc for Word Recovered Document
.ICAPInCopy Package File
.MCSPMy Craft Studio Project File
.MIFFrameMaker Interchange Format File
.ANHProject ROME File
.A6PROJArtisan 6 Project
.PSPROJThe Print Shop Project File
.MWLXMS Print Layout File
.ISDFlexera InstallShield Dialog Box File
.FGCGreeting Card Factory Card File
.ZNOZinio Electronic Magazine File
.LBLNow Contact Label Template
.OLAOnline Access File
.PDOPepakura Designer File
.LTFLaser App Temp Form File
.HPTHotDocs PDF Template
.IFDInForm Document
.CALCalendar File
.PGSPageStream Document
.HCRHalf-Fold Card File
.FEYFCS Express Layout File
.CEDPRJAshampoo CoverEditor Project
.GSPSilhouette Studio SD Card Document
.FP3FastReport Prepared Report
.CDFComputable Document Format File (Legacy)
.PPXSerif PagePlus Template File
.LSTNow Contact List Template
.CL2ARCComic Life 2 Document Archive
.STUDIO3Silhouette Studio Version 3 Document
.ZDPAvery DesignPro Label File
.INPUrdu InPage Document
.FMFrameMaker Document
.HMKHallmark Card Studio File
.SMMXSimpleMind Mind Map
.FCDTFormsCentral Design Template
.CSDCompact Shared Document
.PUBPublisher Document
.BLKABBYY FineReader Area Template
.BTWBarTender Label
.BCFBusiness Card Designer Pro File
.PCLPrinter Command Language Document
.4UIForeUI Plot File
.PMDPageMaker Document
.IDMSAdobe InDesign Snippet
.PMXPrintMaster Project File
.MMLFrameMaker Maker Markup Language File
.GDEThe Guide Document
.VFCVentaFax Cover Page File
.MFOMediaFace Online Saved File
.CLKDClicker Docs File Label Designer File
.PZFGraphPad Prism Project
.FLBFileMaker Pro Label File
.INFOPATHXMLMicrosoft InfoPath Form
.DTXDocumented LaTeX File
.DOTMicrosoft Word Document Template (Legacy)
.NBMathematica Notebook
.XPSXML Paper Specification File
.IDMLAdobe InDesign Markup Language File
.PNHProject ROME Plug-in Archive
.DTPPublish-iT Document
.PFFFormatta Portable Form File
.AFPAdvanced Function Presentation File
.COMICDOCComic Life Document
.RELSOpen Office XML Relationships File
.FR3FastReport Form File
.FORMNetBeans Java GUI Designer Form
.BMMLBalsamiq Mockups Markup Language File
.PRNPrint to File
.P65PageMaker 6.5 Document
.FAXNow Contact Fax Template
.JTPWindows Journal Template
.PFLPDFill Project
.AVFinal Draft AV Script
.IDAPAdobe InDesign Assignment Package
.FDDFormDocs Document
.PEXWest Publisher Portable Exhibit File
.CL2TPLComic Life 2 Template
.INCDInCopy Document
.RMRResumeMaker File
.DEDrawExpress Diagram File
.INDLAdobe InDesign Library
.CLTClarity Legal Transcript File
.MRGNow Contact Merge Template
.INDAdobe InDesign Document
.CLDCanon CD Label Template
.DRMXDrumlin Fully Secure PDF File
.PWBPromethean Whiteboard Activity
.Q3CQuick 3D Cover Project File
.RSMWinWay Resume Deluxe Resume File
.CWTChordWizard Template
.INCXInCopy CS3 Interchange File
.ILDOCQuickSilver Document
.INDDAdobe InDesign Document
.TEMPLATEPages Template
.HFDHotDocs Form Document
.PSRPowersoft Report File
.QXDQuarkXPress Document
.ZDLAvery DesignPro Label File
.MAXOmniPage Scanned Document
.OPDOmniPage Document
.QXPQuarkXPress Project File
.XZFXZipLogix ZipForm File
.GWBInterwrite Presentation File
.COMPOSITIONTEMPLATEInvantive Composition Template
.LLDLogo! Soft Comfort LAD File
.T2DTouchDraw Document
.XIFScanSoft Pagis File
.MDIMicrosoft Document Imaging File
.RWTReadWriteThink Timeline
.PDMProntoDoc for Word Mobile Display Document Template
.PM5PageMaker 5.0 Document
.ENVNow Contact Envelope Template
.PWTPocket Word Template
.SPSignPlot Traffic Sign File
.COMICLIFEComic Life Document
.FOLIOAdobe Folio File
.FXMWinFax Document
.JTXJrju Text File
.IMXiMindMap Map File
.AVERYAvery Design & Print Label File
.CL2DOCComic Life 2 Document
.RLFArcGIS Report Layout File
.FADEINFade In Document
.SPLsPlan Schematic Diagram File
.SPL7sPlan 7 Schematic Diagram File
.LPDFLocalized PDF File
.OFDOfficeForms Document
.PSGPage Segment File
.CPHCorel Print House File
.PM6PageMaker 6.0 Document
.PDERProntoDoc for Excel Conventional Document
.ARTICLETwixl Publisher Article
.RPCRich Page Content Document
.RAPRaptor Flowchart File
.BOOKBookSmart Book File
.PDF-1Renamed PDF File
.PDHProntoDoc for Word Browser Display Document Template
.PUBLICATIONTwixl Publisher Publication
.BOOKFrameMaker Book File
.BKFrameMaker Book File
.SNPAccess Report Snapshot
.DPDOvation Pro Document
.TDSAdobe LiveCyle Designer Template
.XSNInfoPath Form Template File
.CAJChinese Academic Journal File
.PTXE-Transcript File
.INDTAdobe InDesign Template
.ENCCopySafe Protected PDF File
.XDWFuji Xerox DocuWorks File
.PPPSerif PagePlus Document
.SUBLIME-SNIPPETSublime Text Snippet File
.IMMiMindMap Map File
.LBLdBASE Label File (Legacy)
.KITSPKIT Scenarist Project
.CH3Harvard Graphics DOS Chart File
.PDGPrint Shop Deluxe Design File
.GOFINDRUKI Gofin Form File
.MARSAdobe MARS File
.EL4Easy-PhotoPrint EX Calendar File
.A6PAGEArtisan 6 Page
.FRTADLForms Template
.AFBOOKAffinity Publisher Book
.NSANoteshelf for Android Notebook
.NUDNow Up-To-Date Calendar File
.ICMTInCopy Template
.SJDScrapbook Factory Journal File
.DWDOCDrawWell Document
.BRODesign & Print Page Design File
.CPEFax Cover Page File
.ZDSDesignPro Label File
.WMGAWeb Manga Document
.EDRWXXPS Drawing Document
.MAILSTATIONERYApple Mail Stationery File
.QPTQuarkXPress Project Template
.RB4Resume Builder 4 File
.ICMLInCopy Document
.INDSAdobe InDesign Snippet File
.CBFCalendar Builder File
.BCPBusiness Card Designer Plus File
.SDTSmartDraw Template File
.CD2Click'N Design 3D File
.CDOCClicker Document
.MGAManga Document
.AFTEMPLATEAffinity Template
.PXLPrinter Command Language XL Document
.FLOWCHARTPureFlow Flowchart
.CONSISSciral Consistency Document
.CDMLCreately Diagram File
.CLKCClicker Connect Set File
.ADFARIS Express Document
.OMPOpenMind Windows Document
.RPXReport XML File
.EBRFElectronic Braille Ready Format
.MVDXMindView Windows Document
.COVFax Cover Page File
.WWFWorld Wide Fund Non-Printable Document
.PZFXGraphPad Prism XML Project
.QDFLabel Matrix Label Design
.SBKScrapbook Factory File
.DCXFAXserve Fax Document
.UXFUML eXchange Format
.TP3Harvard Graphics DOS Template File
.QXBQuarkXPress Book File
.DTLNow Contact Detail Template
.VPVentura Publication File
.DRAScriptor Script File
.NPPArt Explosion Publisher Pro Document
.RFDRecogniform Form Designer File
.MFTMediaFACE Project Template
.MVTXMindView Template
.FRFFree Report Form File
.ISALEiSale Auction
.CL2LYTComic Life 2 Layout File
.WEBTHEMEiWeb Theme Template
.CWCardWorks Template
.HFTHotDocs Form Template
.BIZBroderbund Business Card File
.QXTQuarkXPress Template
.ISPXiStudio Publisher Document
.CSZCornerstone Document Template
.SPUBSwift Publisher Document
.MTCMake the Cut! Project
.MVDMindView OS X Document
.CNDXAvery DesignPro for Mac Label File
.PDWRProntoDoc for Word Conventional Document
.SIMPSoftware Ideas Modeler Project
.BROCreataCard Brochure Project
.CLKBClicker Books File
.FPEFree PDF Editor Document
.PM4PageMaker 4 Document
.DMTEMPLATEDirect Mail Template
.PAPrint Artist Project
.OO3TEMPLATEOmniOutliner Template
.FRDOCFineReader Document
.STUDIOSilhouette Studio Document
.GDOCXGoogle Drive Document
.WPTWorks Template
.COMICComic Life Comic
.HPDHotDocs PDF Document
.INDBAdobe InDesign Book File
.SCUT4Sure Cuts A Lot Version 4 Project
.AOActionOutline Outline File
.HWDTThinkfree Office NEO Word Template
.GEMVentura Publisher Document
.VPDVisual Paradigm Online Diagram
.LABWordPerfect Label Definition File
.CRTRMultiAd Creator Pro Document
.PAGEArtisan Page Template
.PDSThe Print Shop Project
.ARTPAGEArtisan 5 Page
.RWTReadWriteThink Printing Press Draft
.MINDERMinder Mind Map
.LMALogo! UDF File
.IMTXiMindMap Template File
.BMPRBalsamiq Mockups Project
.ZFXZipForm File
.CPYeCopy Desktop File
.INCTInCopy Template
.INDPAdobe InDesign CS3 Package File
.IDPKAdobe InDesign Package for GoLive File
.RPTRRafflePrinter Document
.BPFBaan ERP Document
.CVWCaseView Document
.CLKBDClicker Board Set
.WCPWinCHM Project File
.JWCJewelCase Maker File
.FLWKivio Flow Chart
.BOOKTEMPLATEBookSmart Template
.JSDHP JetSuite Document
.CADOCClicker App Document
.SMASmartPlant Enhanced Report
.INLXAdobe InDesign Interchange Library
.FRMADLForms Form
.PDWProntoDoc for Word Conventional Document Template
.FPFinePrint File
.PDPAdobe Portable Document Format File
.TOTALSLAYOUTTotals Invoice Layout File
.PJLPrinter Job Language File
.MCSXMy Craft Studio Professional File
.FDTFormDocs Template
.ADBNow Contact Address Book Template
.PDEProntoDoc for Excel Document Template
.ANTMPLAdobe Edge Animate Template File
.MBBKManaBook Book Kit File
.ISALLICiSale License File
.PDZProntoDoc for Word Structured Text Document Template
.JTXXPS Document
.ADFActual Drawing File
.SBPAGEStorybook Creator 4 Page