.BMML File Extension

Balsamiq Mockups Markup Language File

Developer Balsamiq Studios
3.6  |  14 Votes
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What is a BMML file?

A BMML file is a mockup file created by Balsamiq Mockups, an application used to build GUI designs and website wireframes. It contains markup language in XML format that is rendered into a mockup of a user interface when opened in Balsamiq Mockups. BMML files were replaced by BMPR files, which are saved in binary format.

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A mockup consists of various assets, buttons, containers, forms, icons, text, media, and symbols used for designing a user interface or website. Balsamiq Mockups originally stored mockups in .XML files then introduced BMML files in version 2 of the program. BMML files are simply XML files with the ".bmml" extension. However, BMML files were then replaced by BMPR files with the release of Balsamiq Mockups 3.

NOTE: You can still import BMML files into Balsamiq Mockups by selecting Project → Import.

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Programs that open BMML files


Braille Music Markup Language File

Developer The Contrapunctus Project
3.1  |  9 Votes
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File saved in the BMML format and opened by Braille Music Reader, a music creation tool for visually impaired persons; contains a braille musical score; includes score data, such as notes, pitch, and octaves.

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To open a BMML file in Braille Music Reader, select File → Import → Bmml, navigate to your file, and click Open.

Programs that open BMML files


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