.FRT File Extension
FoxPro Report Memo
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.3 | 11 Votes |
What is an FRT file?
Contains textual notes about a report (.FRX file) generated from a FoxPro database
Programs that open FRT files
ADLForms Template
Developer | ADL Software |
Popularity |
3.0 | 2 Votes |
An FRT file may also be a form template created by ADL Software ADLForms, a legal form preparation service commonly used in the Real Estate industry. It stores page formatting information, text, and data fields an ADLForms user enters. FRT files are used as a baseline to create multiple .FRM forms with the same formatting.
More Information
ADLForms is an Australian application for real estate agents in the NSW, QLD, VIC, and WA regions. Agents typically create legally compliant and enforceable agreements and contracts with ADLForms and save them as FRM files.
However, you can save forms as FRT templates if you want to create additional forms with similar information or layout. For example, if you created a home purchase agreement you want to use with other clients, you can save it as an FRT template. To save a form as an FRT template, select File → Save As Template.
NOTE: ADLForms saves FRT files in the following location by default:
How to open an FRT file
You can only open an FRT file with ADL Software ADLForms in Windows. To open an FRT file, select File → Open.
How to convert an FRT file
ADLForms can convert an FRT file to the Portable Document Format (PDF file) and the ADL Forms Format (FRM file). To convert an FRT file, select File → Save as PDF or Save As.