
Version1(as of 1/29/2016)
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Main Features

  • Provides basic text editing features such as spell check and searching
  • Allows editing commands to be invoked using control key sequences
  • Enables its functionality to be configured

Software Overview

Pico (Pine composer) is a free text editor for Unix systems. It was designed at the University of Washington and was originally integrated with the Pine email client, which is no longer developed.

The software provides various basic text editing features, such as spell check, searching, cutting and pasting, and text justification. You can invoke editing commands using control key sequences. The text editor is also configurable, allowing you to specify its functionality, such as mouse support, function keys, and search and replace.

Pico is used by Linux users looking to compose and edit files in plain text. It does not offer many features beyond the basic editing capabilities, but it does allow you to customize the editor according to your needs. While Pico is a good complement to the Pine email client, there are other more powerful text editors available for Linux users, such as gedit or KWrite.

Primary File Type

txt icon.TXTPlain Text File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.TXTPlain Text File
.ASMAssembly Language Source Code File
.CONFUnix Configuration File
.EXEuphoria Source Code
.JSONJavaScript Object Notation File
.MANUnix Manual
.MEReadme Text File
.OPTSLinux Configuration Options File
.SSource Code File
.UNXUnix Text File
Updated 1/29/2016